AUGUST 2017 aligned faction Lacoste is alleged to have heckled Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko’s 12 minute address resulting in a security agent assaulting one of the mourners. party activist Shamiso Ndoro reported her landlord Steven Kizomba*to Zanu PF on allegations of abusive behavior towards her family. Ndoro also made several allegations against Kizomba. She claimed he insults her, everyone and those in authority including the President. She also said he was among those who did not vote for Zanu PF during elections. Eight Zanu PF youths led by Dominic Nyanga arrived Kizomba’s premises to evict him. They threw Kizomba’s possessions outside the house resulting in damage to property. Violence ensued when Bwanali resisted eviction resulting in him sustaining a swollen eye. Kizomba’s household property including a refridgerator, wardrobe and speakers were damaged. A male resident who spoke of condition of anonymity reported that Highfield MP Psychology Maziwisa was involved in the dispute because he told many ruling party supporters that most structures in the ward belonged to Zanu PF. Several attempts to get a comment from Maziwisa were unsuccessful., On 16 August Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) secretary general Victor Matemadanda was forced to hand himself over to Harare police following allegations against him including, undermining the authority of the President and causing disaffection within the army and police force. Matemadanda had convened a press conference in response to statements made by the First Lady that President Mugabe had powers to appoint a successor. In rebuttal Matemadanda expressed himself saying Zimbabwe does not belong to a family or clan hence succession issues should be debated using the right channels as enshrined in the ruling party constitution. Matemadanda was released on $200 bail and advised to appear again in court on September 1. On 24 August, it was reported that freelance journalist Andrison Manyere was assaulted by a suspected state agent Ephraim Chizola at Harare Show grounds, during the Zimbabwe Agricultural show. According to reports Manyere took a picture of Chizola’s car, which had no registration plates but emblazoned with a picture of President Mugabe. Chizola assaulted Manyere for his actions and made efforts to drag him into his car but the victim resisted. Chizola then reported the case to showground police claiming Manyere assaulted him and damaged his phone. Manyere was detained for two days and was released on free bail as the court postponed his trial to 8 September. It is alleged that on 25 August Zanu PF activist Energy Mutodi was assaulted at a city hotel by Munyaradzi Shoko, Jeppy Jaboon and Charles Mungoshi Jnr who are members of a group called CoZWA (Children of Zimbabwe War Veterans Association). Reports claim that the assailants saw Mutodi drinking at the hotel and tried to entice him to respond to a conversation about the First Lady. When Mutodi ignored the assailants he was assaulted. He left the hotel in a torn black suit following the assault. In a telephone interview ZLWVA secretary general Victor Matemadanda said that their children do not participate in violent activities and speculated that those involved in Mutodi’s assault were maybe G40 rivals linked to Local Government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere. It is alleged that on 24 August Zanu PF youths assaulted a Highfield resident when he resisted eviction in Geneva at block 19 ward 26. A ruling 9

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