crowd. 15 June 2014- Villagers in Chirebvu in Mashuma were threatened by the vice chairperson of Zanu PF John Mahoya for not attending meetings. He indicated that those who defied calls for meetings would pay $5 and a list of absentees would be sent to the provincial chairperson Temba Mliswa. Ø 30 June 2014-Workers at Chatfield farm in Darwendale were beaten up by their employer and farm owner only identified as Gunners. It is alleged Gunners is a CIO operative from Darwendale. It is reported that Gunners teamed up with another CIO agent from Harare to beat up workers in front of their families for demanding payment for their labour. The farm workers last received payment in December 2013. Some workers have since moved to Trelawney and Banket. Generally the province is calm. Most cases recorded were of harassment and intimidation and threats of beatings as Zanu PF and MDC-T fight for control of the province in preparation of the 2018 elections. Political temperatures are on the rise within the parties as MDC-T and Zanu PF prepare for their congresses to be held in October and December respectively. The birth of the renewal team and transformation of NCA into a political party has added other contestants in the race for control of the province. The Chingwizi transit camp woes of lack of basic needs continue; on 22 June some tents at the camp caught fire and were destroyed leaving many families even more destitute. Ø 1-30 June 2014- In all the four constituencies of Zaka District and Gutu North Chamisa village, Zanu PF through its MPs and village heads were reported to be forcing people to attend meetings where they were issued with data forms to fill in their personal details including personal history, party affiliation, identity number, voter registration status and employment history. People were coerced to pay R2 for each form issued. Village heads threatened the non-compliant villagers with eviction from the villages. Zaka Central MP Paradzai Chakona led the process in his constituency. In Zaka West those who filled and handed in the forms had their houses marked with stickers to avoid future harassments. Villagers are now living in fear of reprisals especially those whose houses are not marked for safety. Ø 6 June 2014- An intra-party conflict was reported between two MDC-T supporters in Gutu North, Nyamandi village at Chinyika ward. The victim who belongs to the MDC-T renewal team was insulted and threatened with severe beating by a Mr J. Masunda of Masunda village who is a Tsvangirai loyalist for deserting the party. He was ordered not to set foot in Masunda village again as he would be beaten. The victim then left the village where he had gone for a Masvingo Ø Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 14 Discrimination Total Right to food, aid and livelihood 5 19 8

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