Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 15 2 4 1 Freedom of Assembly 1 23 Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault Malicious Damage to Property Banned Political Meeting Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to liberty and security of person Property rights 14 5 3 1 Freedom of Assembly 1 24 Mash East Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Malicious Damage to Property Banned Political Meeting Total that if ever she was found reading an independent paper which disseminates propaganda, she will be torn and destroyed in a similar fashion. The operating environment in Mashonaland East is tense and intimidating especially for the opposition party members. They face victimisation from both Zanu PF members and the police. There has been a high demonstration of partisan conduct by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers and it manifests in the form of harassment and intimidation of the members of the opposition party. Ø 3 June 2014- An MDC-T youth chairperson in Marondera was assaulted by a police officer (name supplied) at Dombotombo police station when he indicated that he had come to see a party member who was arrested for public drinking. He was accused of boasting about his party. He broke his arm and a report was made at Marondera police headquarters but no charges and arrests were made. Ø 15 June 2014- Three MDC-T members coming from a party meeting in Ruwa putting on party regalia were confronted by four Zanu PF members who accused them of putting on opposition party regalia in a Zanu PF territory. When the MDC-T supporters argued that it was a party of their choice and their right to wear their party regalia they were forced to remove the T-shirts and the T-shirts were publicly burnt. They were forced to leave the area and warned never to put on the regalia in the area. They went away without shirts. The political situation in Mashonaland West varied from place to place in the month of June 2014; Hurungwe West had many cases of harassment while areas such Mhondoro Ngezi, Mubaira and Norton were calm or had minor intra-party conflicts. Hurungwe West MP Temba Mliswa continues to campaign for the eviction of all white farmers in Mashonaland West, emphasizing that all farms registered for distribution should come through him. However there has been a decline in the number of politically motivated violations; there were 14 cases of harassment and intimidation in June compared to the 22 and 24 cases in April and May 2014 respectively. Total Mash West Ø 7 15 June 2014- A job intake exercise at Cargill Company turned violent when about 200 people gathered for employment selection. Zanu PF youths led by Trust Kadzombe claimed that their names had been written down by their MP and submitted to the managers for selection. The company representatives indicated that they were not going to consider any other selection criteria save the company’s. That angered the youth leading them to chant Zanu PF slogans and sing revolutionary songs. The situation deteriorated when the guards stopped the selection process leading the youths to be violent and jump over the wall destroying it in the process. Police had to be called in to disperse the

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