they had indeed attended to Zunde and provided him with both medical attention and counselling services following his ordeal.  On 10 October 2015, three MDC-T members were beaten up by two ZanuPF members at Gazebo in Ward 25 in Goromonzi South. The three were putting on MDC-T t-shirts which they were forced to take off in front of other revellers. The three resisted and two war veterans, Gift Jongwe and Steven Sande, allegedly assaulted them. The three were saved by approaching police and fled from the scene. The police are said to have taken the two perpetrators to the police station and released them without charge after only a few minutes. The victims had their t-shirts torn to pieces and went home half naked. The victims were part of the MDC-T district executive committee. When ZPP called the ZRP provincial spokesperson for Mashonaland, Inspector Norbert Muzondo, to find out if the incident had at all been docketed, he said, “There is no incident like that on our records.”  On 14 October 2015, one war veteran was allegedly assaulted by Tawanda Murefu at Nyahondo Township in Mutoko South. The perpetrator accused the victim of being pro- former Vice President, Joice Mujuru. After beating him with a fist, he then challenged the victim to report the incident wherever he wanted.  On 17 October 2015, three female vendors were allegedly assaulted by one, Silas Chauke, who is notorious for assaulting and tormenting residents at Pamusasa Shopping Centre Ward 9 Damofalls in Ruwa. The vendors were beaten up and had their goods thrown away. Chauke allegedly often brags that he is untouchable. He torments revellers, vendors and ordinary people on a daily basis and labels them MDC-T supporters.  On 17 October 2015, some people were forced to buy Zanu-PF party cards in Mudzi West at US$3 in Mango Ward 1.  On 28 October 2015, it was alleged that Marondera Central legislator, Lawrence Katsiru, demanded three tonnes of maize from a white farmer, one, Peter Hodgewick. It is alleged that Katsiru indicated that he would protect Hodgewick from being chased from his farm in Marondera along Murehwa Road. The farmer complied as he was intimidated by Katsiru who brought some Zanu-PF youths with him. Katsiru supposedly indicated that failure to heed his demands would lead to the white farmer losing his farm. Efforts to reach Katsiru or Hodgewick to verify the incident were not fruitful; while CFU director, Olivier, told ZPP he had not received any formal report to that effect. Olivier, however, told ZPP that him not having received any reports did not necessarily mean that it had 22

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