Mashonaland East When government distributed maize to vulnerable people in Mashonaland East in October through the social welfare department and the Grain Marketing Board (GMB), there were a number of discriminatory tendencies that were reported. In addition to this, intra-party conflict within Zanu-PF remains a hot issue in Mashonaland East. Zanu-PF members in provincial leadership are trading votes of no confidence as the tussle for factional power continues in earnest. Zanu-PF party is still in shambles since October 2014 when the First Lady denounced factionalism in the party in Marondera. Several heads have fallen through dismissals, suspensions and votes of no confidence. Such developments have led to distrust and have fuelled tension and conflict in the province. Highlights:  On 9 October 2015, Zanu-PF district chairperson for Mudzi West, David Kanjere, allegedly sent some youths to beat up a local headman for refusing to attend a Zanu-PF meeting to organise the party. The headman was being forced to call people to organise cells. The people refused to attend the meetings and indicated that they were tired of Zanu-PF cells they had to build up every year and do not benefit from. The headman was forced to a meeting at Donzwi shops in Ward 12, where he was beaten up by youths during the meeting. Kanjere could not be reached for comment.  John Zunde (not real name), an MDC-T supporter of Ward 3 in Mauruka Village in Maramba, was severely assaulted at Mazowe River. He was selling shoes and clothes to gold panners and was allegedly approached by Koshiwai and Peter Mususa and instructed to vacate the area because he was an MDC-T supporter. They said they did not want to stay near an opposition member. Zunde did not take the matter seriously. On 10 October, four gold panners from Mt Darwin approached Zunde with sticks, singing a song that indicated that Zanu-PF had come to destroy (Morgan) Tsvangirai’s wares. The men severely beat up Zunde while Peter and Koshiwai were watching. They only intervened after a woman nearby cried out and questioned them why they stood idly by while a man was being “murdered”. The victim fled and the men ransacked his possessions and burnt the items he was selling. Zunde reported the case to the neighbourhood police known as Chigenje who, it is alleged, dismissed the case and indicated that political cases were a problem. He advised the victim to seek medical attention and report the case later. The victim was assisted by his party to seek medical attention from Counselling Services Unit (CSU) in Harare. CSU confirmed to ZPP that 21

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