Those who were arrested are Oswald Gwanzura, Shepherd Mangwende, Mary Jane Chitiyo, Stella Murimo and Koshiwai Rabvu. • A man from Uzumba had his property destroyed in 2008 election violence. He fled with his family to Harare. In May 2015 he came back to his homestead where he was allegedly approached by the village head, Ishmael Mazarura, to denounce the MDC-T party and join Zanu PF for him to live peacefully. All along he had been reluctant to do that until 7 August 2015 when he approached the village head to announce his decision to join Zanu PF. The village committee passed a decision that he would only be accepted on condition that he erased all rocks inscribed with MDC-T slogans in the area. The man is painting all rocks with MDC-T slogans white but is still not being accepted in the community because of his known affiliation to the MDC-T party. M ashonaland W est The majority of cases reported in Mashonaland West involved the abuse of power by traditional leaders and the heightened factionalism within Zanu PF as those in ‘favourable light’ brandished their undue ‘political privilege’. • An intra-party conflict was reported when Zanu PF members had a fist fight on 25 August 2015 at Mashuma Shopping Centre in Hurungwe West. Justin Kaparamara, a headman and former Zanu PF chairperson who was fired in June, gathered people to organise Zanu PF cell structures for district elections. This did not go down well with John Mahiya who replaced him as chairperson. He was appointed by the Zanu PF Secretary for Administration, Ignatius Chombo, and on this instance he questioned Kaparamara’s authority to call the villagers for a meeting. Kaparamara said he got the authority from the provincial committee. Mahiya attacked Kaparamara leading to a fist fight one which Member Mutinha had to stop. The two eventually agreed to have elections on 30 August 2015. Mahiya insisted that a letter would have to come from the province to confirm that Kaparamara is still part of the committee. • A Zanu PF youth leader was ridiculed by Trust Zvimba, an MDC-T member, for being part of the party that tables policies that have led people to suffer. This took place on 12 August 2015 at Manyewe Business Centre. The victim was an alleged perpetrator between 2010 and 2013. • Thomas Marumisa, a former leader in the MDC led by Welshman Ncube (MDC-N) in Kadoma, was accused by one, Gilberta Silver Tore, of using people to gain political power. Marumisa is now the chairperson of Mashonaland West in Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe. Tore was rebuffed in the RDZ meeting and indicated that Marumisa was too nomadic and often uses people to gain support and dumps them for the next party. This took place on 8 August 2015. • Sub Chief Jerami of Mafuta in Raffingora allowed illegal farmers to farm on land that was not for farming in May 2014. They were allowed to farm after the chief had collected US$30 per household from them. On 23 August 2015, he addressed a meeting where he pointed out that the illegal farmers cannot continue to farm in the area and so they had to leave. They were given four days to vacate the land. He 18  

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