party to secretly investigate the place and interview the workers. Unconfirmed suspicions are that the First Lady Grace Mugabe wants to take over the orphanage and that she has the support of some of the workers. The founder, Connick, has been given a suspended sentenced and warned that she would be jailed if she is seen near the place. She was told to move away on 18 August 2015 from the orphanage she founded in 1990. • On 10 August 2015, a woman of Zihanga Village in Hwedza North, was assaulted by Thomas Chivese for having a wrap cloth with an images that angered the perpetrator. Chivese enquired as to why Lydia had the wrap on and she retorted that putting on such a wrap was not an issue. This angered Chivese who allegedly tore the wrap and slapped the woman. • Vendors were driven away from Mutoko Centre by the council and allocated stalls on the outskirts of the centre on 26 August 2015. An official of the MDC-T party and four other supporters were supposedly not allocated any because of their affiliation. • It has been reported that there are farmers from Brazil who brought trperpetrators and fertilizer in Goromonzi West in Ward 7. The farmers wanted to get four hectares from local war veterans who acquired six hectares in exchange of the use of trperpetrators and fertilizer. Local farmers rejected this arrangement as they felt remaining with two hectares was not feasible. The equipment has been left idle in farming sheds at Chibuti and Chabwino. The Brazilians were accompanied by people believed to be government officials from the Ministry of Lands. • There are a number of commercial farm takeovers which have been reported in the province. Mani Farm in Goromonzi South is reported to have been visited by a group of people who asked about the general situation of the country. The owner of the farm portrayed a negative image and blamed the Zanu PF and President Robert Mugabe for all the woes in the country. Thereafter some people allegedly produced a Central Intelligence Office (CIO) card and told the owner to vacate the farm without taking anything. It is believed the farm was taken over by an unnamed ‘strong’ Zanu PF lady. The white owner left his livestock and vegetables on 3 August 2015. Another farm called Binda in Goromonzi North which has an abattoir is said to have been acquired by S. Chigwedere, former wife of Aeneas Chigwedere. The farm is said to belong to one, Neil, who is a huge beef producer. The case has allegedly been taken to court. On 29 August a white farmer, Martin Grobler, is reported to have been evicted from Burner Farm by two CIO agents identified as Shorai Kudzai and Muchemwa who are claiming ownership of the farm. They claimed that they got ownership from a land officer known as Motsi. The white farmer and his family have since vacated the farm. Meanwhile, the legislator of Goromonzi North, Paddy Zhanda, and a white man, Rina Leon Dutoit, are alleged to have sent a group of people to assault the leaders of Mukuvisi Housing Cooperative in Caledonia on 26 August 2015. The two allegedly want to force the leaders to get people off the farm that was allocated to the cooperative. It is reported that members of the cooperative are facing eviction due to this development. • Some members of the Solomio Estate were arrested on 24 August 2015 and had to pay US$2.500 bail for misappropriating cooperative funds to the tune of US$3.5 million. 17  

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