province. Lack of tolerance of other political parties or factions by Zanu PF members often leads to victimisation of members of political opponents. • On 18 August 2015, a soccer player at Kauswa Village in Muzarabani North was allegedly taken off the match by Faison Kanyuchi because he is an MDC-T activist. • On 14 August 2015, Concession District official allegedly pointed out that council and Grain Marketing Board workers who got dismissal letters were of the ‘gamatox’ faction. The official was addressing tenants at Dandamera Community Hall. He said the dismissals were not over until the ‘house’ was clean. The official revealed that there was another round of dismissals targeting people, all those whom he labeled as ‘gamatox’. The victim was among the delegates at the meeting. • Two MDC-T party supporters were allegedly harassed by Zanu PF chairperson for the province, Lovemore Magwaza, for refusing to attend a Zanu PF meeting. Vulgar words were used and the two were threatened with eviction from the village. This happened at Gweshe Village on 6 August 2015. The two party members reported the case to the police and the Zanu PF chairperson was supposedly arrested and fined. • At a meeting held at Mary Mount Mission on 18 August 2015, Zanu PF provincial chairperson for Mashonaland Central, Dickson Mafios, is alleged to have said that those who were associates of former Vice President Mujuru or the incumbent Minister of Education, Lazarus Dokora, would not be allowed to stand in the upcoming district elections. He indicated that if they were voted in, the committee would be dissolved and elections would have to be re-conducted. He said if this was repeated twice an interim committee would have to be put in the district. This left residents of Rushinga in fear as one can easily be labelled a ‘gamatox’ by rivals. However, questioned by ZPP on whether he said that for sure, Zanu PF Mashonaland Central chairperson denied the allegations and claimed that who people voted for was up to them and that they were in no way compelled by him or anyone else to act one way or another. • Three village headmen who have been trying to be re-instated in their positions since mid July are allegedly being frustrated by Chief Kasekete Faxwell Changara. The chief and his colleagues of Zanu PF often hold meetings where the three are invited only to be threatened to remain silent. On 6 August 2015, the Chief threatened to evict the three for complaining about loss of their offices and exposing to the public that the chief is a Zanu PF supporter. The three were fired in 2008 from their positions for allegedly supporting MDC-T. They live in Ward 17 in Muzarabani South. • People who live at Nyamuseve Farm in Ward 21, Guruve North were on 22 August 2015 frog marched to attend a Zanu PF meeting where they were forced to buy Zanu PF identity cards for US 3.50. They were allegedly forced by one, Maxwell Nyagomo. • David Tsenengamu, a Zanu PF Provincial youth chairperson, urged members of the party to continue taking white-owned farms and share them between the women and the youth. The Zanu PF provincial chairperson, Dickson Mafios, supported the suggestion and the youth were promised that actions would soon take place. The targeted so far were not mentioned. This came during a meeting at Chimhanda in Rushinga on 18 August 2015. Mafios denied the allegations while Tsengengamu could not be immediately reached for comment. 15  

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