In Headlands, a school named after him - Mutasa Primary - had its name changed Yorkshire Primary. • In a case of political intolerance, a suspected MDC-T activist, was physically assaulted by Kudzai Chareka, a Zanu PF member. The perpetrator was moving door to door in the township on 11 August 2015 calling on people to attend the Heroes’ Day Celebrations at Sakubva stadium. When he got to the victim’s house, the victim said, “What do we have to do with the fallen heroes? Let us drink and be merry instead of attending your Heroes’ Day celebrations.” The statement uttered by the victim angered the perpetrator who responded by punching the victim on the lips using a clenched fist. The victim sustained a deep cut on the upper lip and bled. • On 5 August 2015, some community members gathered at a local school in Headlands celebrating the change of name from Mutasa Primary to Yorkshire. The leader of the group, Joseph Chibage, addressed the crowd and informed them that no institution in Manicaland should remain named after the fallen political godfather, Didymus Mutasa. The school sign post was repainted erasing the name “Mutasa”. The new sign post now features the name “Yorkshire”. The school is situated about 10 km from Headlands towards Rusape. It is significant to note that Ministry of Education officials who are supposed to formally effect the name change were absent from the function. • In another case of political intolerance, on 7 August 2015, three ‘gamatox’ members were harassed and threatened with repossession of their residential stands in Gimboki South Mutare Central. The three were allegedly approached by Fiona Vera and Chance Gombingo and were told to reform or else their stands would be repossessed. The victims supposedly belong to the Mujuru camp while the perpetrators are allegedly in Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s faction. • On 2 August 2015, an MDC-T activist of Viko Village Nyanga North was allegedly slashed by a knife on the lips by Tatenda Mapani of Zanu PF because of party differences. It is understood that in the past the two used to be members of MDC-T until Mapani jumped ship to join Zanu PF. The perpetrator used to tell the victim to follow suit but the victim refused. On the eventful day, the victim is believed to have said that the perpetrator had joined a party that had destroyed the country. The statement angered the perpetrator who responded by cutting the victim on the lips with a knife. Soon after the incident, the perpetrator ran away and is yet to be apprehended. • On 1 August 2015, in Ward 9 Magamba in Rusape, a team of four Zanu PF activists led by the ward chairperson identified as Mlambo, allegedly went to the home of a fellow Zanu PF activist and shouted insults at her. It is alleged that the incident in question occurred after the victim was labelled a ‘gamatox’ M ashonaland Central The major source of conflict in the province was the Heroes’ Day celebrations where people were forced to take part in Mt. Darwin South and in Guruve South. Villagers were also forced to donate buckets of maize. Factionalism in Zanu PF is still a major cause of conflict in the 14  

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