#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK Harare had the highest number of national assembly seats that were being contested for in the byelections held on March 26 making the province a hotspot for political violence. This is why the province had 16 cases of politically motivated violations, the highest across all provinces. The campaign trail turned nasty as members of CCC were the targets of Zanu PF and the police Wearing the CCC yellow colours became a crime as police went on to arrest dozens of CCC supporters in March as yellow became the new red. After being arrested, the CCC activists were accused of a litany of dubious crimes, among them, holding car rallies, or disorderly conduct. The highlight of the month in Harare was the arrest and assault by police of popular CCC activist Godfrey Karembera popularly known as Madzibaba Veshanduko. Other cases recorded in Harare include the following: The Douglas Mwonzora led MDCT barred and harassed journalists who were trying to access the party’s rally venue at the Zimbabwe Grounds on 13 March. Mashonaland Central province remained a political hotspot of human rights violations. There was an increase in the targeting of opposition supporters ahead of the March 26 by- elections in Bindura, Mazowe and Muzarabani. In Bindura South, suspected Zanu PF youths burned a house belonging to a Journalists told ZPP the party’s security teams kept journalists outside the venue for hours and when they were eventually let in, the security teams went on to further bar the journalists from taking images. Zanu PF youths led by Den Judge Marufu of Section 3, Kambuzuma went around Kambuzuma in Zanu PF party regalia defacing CCC posters and replacing them with their own. Former Harare mayor Herbert Gomba who was reported missing for two days walked into a police station on 15 March and was arrested on charges of violating the electoral law. Gomba is being accused of registering 12 people at his parents’ Glen Norah home and he spent two days in detention before getting bailed out. The charges come after a pressure group, Pachedu, exposed the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission of moving voters from their polling stations without their consent and knowledge as is required by law. This is likely to be a cover up to the embarrassing expose. Police arrested Chitungwiza Ward 15 CCC candidate Jabulani Mtunzi CCC Ward 18 aspiring councillor Oswell Shambare. In Mazowe North CCC chief by-election agent for Ward 2, Andrew Makome and his wife were attacked at Chaona Shopping Centre by suspected Zanu PF supporters. The perpetrators reportedly used logs and axes. at the behest of his Zanu PF rival candidate in the ward. Mtunzi was accused of pasting his campaign posters near an open space where the Zanu PF candidate does brick moulding. At the time of the arrest, CCC Vice Chairperson and Job Sikhala tweeted that he had ‘never come across such an offense’. Zanu PF Political Commissar Mike Bimha said the opposition CCC would not access the State broadcaster and should utilize social media to campaign. His statements were in contradiction to the Electoral Act, which dictates that all political players should have equal access to State media. Three Zanu PF youths in Chitungwiza, led by one Master P assaulted a CCC activist until he lost consciousness. His crime, was that he was wearing yellow CCC regalia. The 39-year-old victim, who was beaten up at about 10 p.m., only regained consciousness at 4 a.m. and crawled home in the rain. He spent days unable to talk or walk. The ZPP spoke to his mother who narrated the ordeal his son went through. Bizarrely, after the by-elections, Zanu PF’s Estina Bunu, who contested Ward 10 Bindura North by-elections, on March 26 night, went door to door demanding mealie meal she had doled out to voters. She lost to Cecilia Tsaura of the CCC.

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