Monthly Monitoring Report March 2024 Manicaland Mashonaland West In Manicaland 39 human rights violations were recorded. The violations included intra-party violence, intimidation, assault, denial of government-sponsored food aid as well as violations of the right to equality and non-discrimination and the right to education. Violence erupted within the Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) offices in Mutare ward 11 when party members accused the provincial leadership of imposing candidates. The meeting ended prematurely as a result of the violence. Mr Munyonho, the head at Bvekerwa Primary School in Makoni West denied about 10 students’ entry into the school for outstanding tuition fees. The learners are part of the government Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) education programme and were told that the school has not yet received their funds from the government hence they should return home and collect 45 USD for fees. No issue of notice was given to parents. Section 75 of the Zimbabwean Constitution provides for the right to a state-funded basic education. Instead of sending the children away, and denying them access to education, learning institutions should pressure the government to provide the resources and ensure the beneficiaries enjoy their rights. BEAM was launched in the year 2001 as a response to worsening social conditions in the country that were causing high dropouts of school children among the poor. Violations against the rights to water, equality and non-discrimination, personal security and statutory rape were recorded in the province. In ward 8 Kadoma Central a group of FAZ members led by Faith Matore attacked and assaulted 8 CCC supporters at Bereguru Shopping center falsely accusing them of convening a political meeting. The victims were chased away and after resisting they were assaulted with sticks and tree logs leaving them nursing injuries. In Chegutu West at Hurunakazi villages, ZANU PF Councillor Gibson Mungate allegedly raped a minor, his sister-in-law but the issue was resolved at family level resulting in Mungate being fined an unverified number of cattle to evade arrest. However, community members made a police report and Mungate was detained but was shortly released without being trailed. It is suspected that he used his connections in the party raising concerns of abuse of power and a show of continued culture of impunity favouring criminal political actors. Midlands In Midlands province, violations of political rights, equality, and non-discrimination as well as the right to food were recorded. In Chikunichawa village, Nemangwe Ward 11, a member of the Forever Associate Zimbabwe (FAZ) Nancy Mambizo. Mambizo threatened villagers with violence and hunger at a social welfare meeting, should they defy the leadership of President Mnangagwa and the ruling party. Speaking at the invitation of Village Head Dozora Marimbe, Mambizo, Nancy said that since all food aid comes from President Mnangagwa, then all who are against him will die of hunger. She went on to say that if people reject Mnangagwa' rule, opposition parties will be subjected to violence. Mashonaland East In Mashonaland East, ZPP recorded cases where intimidation, forced participation in political activities and violations against the freedom of assembly and association were committed. ZANU PF youths in Goromonzi South barricaded roads and forced people to attend a by-election victory celebration party at Tongoview Grounds in East View Park. They harassed and intimidated citizens who resisted and mobbed them. The event turned into a campaign rally. 6 CCC members were manhandled and forced to attend the celebrations. Section 67 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe outlines citizens’ political rights which allow them to make political choices freely hence being forced to ‘join or participate in any activity of a political party’ against their will violates this right. 8

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