Monthly Monitoring Report March 2024 Matabeleland North Mashonaland Central On 25 March, the Binga District Development Mashonaland Central recorded incidents where Coordinator identified as Land Kabome summoned citizens were forced to contribute towards the all the chiefs and traditional leaders to Binga Independence Day commemorations set for April District. He was recorded instructing village heads 18. ZANU PF convened a meeting at Heinz shop to join and support ZANU PF activities. Village in Mukuya village, ward 19 of, Guruve North. The heads aligned to the ruling party were requested to meeting was addressed by ZANU PF Chairperson compile their registers of supportive or resisting Henry Shamhu. In his address, Shamhu advised community members and secretly send them to people chiefs. The village heads were threatened that if Independence they do not comply they will be considered as were told to contribute $1 per household to supporting traditional continue benefiting government aid. In Mazowe leaders to be involved in partisan activities violates West at High-wood shopping centre (Ward 15), constitutional provision outlined in Section 281(2) Zanu PF Councillor Peter Chinyoka called for a that states that traditional leaders must not be meeting advising residents to contribute US$1 members of any political party or in any way per household towards the Independence Day participate in partisan politics. The traditional provincial celebrations to be held at Nzvimbo leaders the growth point. Zanu PF youths present were fundamental rights and freedoms of any person assigned to compile a list of all tenants to record and, hence should not use their power to infringe contributions. the have opposition. a mandate Coercing not to violate to contribute Day money towards commemorations. their subjects’ political rights. Report Human Rights Violations 0774883417 0774883406 the People

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