Wave after Wave JUNE 2021 2.3 Provincial highlights Mashonaland Central | Discrimination and Intra-party violence. As Zanu PF gears up for elections, ZPP has recorded several cases of violent confrontations among Zanu PF officials as they conducted their restructuring exercise. For example in Ward 16, Mazowe South, Glendale, Zanu PF activists issued threats to one of the candidates who had expressed interest in contesting in the Zanu PF Branch elections, forcing him to withdraw. These cases continued to happen amid a wave of politicisation of government aid. For example in Mazowe West, on 19 June 2021, Zanu PF Ward 15 Councillor, Peter Chinyoka distributed maize from the government Social Welfare department to the elderly groups at Dandamera hall. Before the distribution he addressed them, emphasizing that the maize they were about to receive was from Zanu PF and not government and told the beneficiaries that they were supposed to vote for President Mnangagwa and Kazembe Kazembe in 2023. Mashonaland East | More intimidation and discrimination In Mashonaland East, there is an increasing trend of harassment, intimidation and assault of opposition political activists as government and Zanu PF move to resuscitate the National Youth Service. In one of the cases in Mudzi South, a Zanu PF youth, Henry Kachepa harassed and intimidated MDC Alliance supporters who refused to join the National Youth Service program. Youths in Mudzi are allegedly being recruited by Zanu PF leaders under the National Youth Service to monitor local political activities. On 4 June around 10am, about 50 villagers convened in Murehwa North at Zihute Hall Ward 30 to be registered to benefit from social welfare aid. It is alleged that, Zanu PF Ward Chairperson, Lovemore Mhuteyebani openly told the gathered villagers that MDC Alliance supporters were not to be registered as beneficiaries. Mhuteyebani told villagers who were gathered that MDC Alliance activists were not welcome to Zanu PF social welfare meetings. He said “MaMDC murinyoka hatidi kukuonai mu ward, vese vanoita zveMDC ngavaende Harare” (MDC supporters are snakes, we do not want to see you in this ward. All those who support MDC should go to Harare) Mashonaland West | Force and intimidation Zanu PF activists in Kadoma Central moved around in Rimuka forcing people to provide their personal details. It is alleged that Zanu PF aligned war veterans and activists who among them were Mupaya, Gwezuva and Tsitsi Mukwana moved around in Rimuka forcing people to provide their details that would be used for cell structure formations. They told residents that if they do not provide their details, they would not benefit from government programs. In a clear case of interference in the work of the civil service, a senior nurse in Chegutu West was redeployed to another clinic after she barred Zanu PF activists led by one Councillor Never Moyo from conducting their meetings at the clinic. 8

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