16 refused permission to attend a Tuberculosis information dissemination gathering by Shakespear Magomana and Alfred Mawarire who are Zanu PF members. One of the victims was from Ward 16. v Zanu PF activists led by Mathias Masasire from Ward 18,Ephraim Mudodo ward 15,Isaac Mutekwa Ward 15and Mrs Marutya Ward 15 in Gutu East erected barricades using thorn tree branches immediately after Mupembezi bridge blocking the road to Chin'ai Business Centre where MDC-T had a rally on 18 July. The Zanu PF supporters were later ferried by a Ford Ranger vehicle belonging to Gutu East MP Berita Chikwama. Masasire is former Zanu PF councilor for Ward 18.The incident took place in ward 15 Chief Munyikwa's area Gutu East. The blocked road was the Gutu-Kurai road. They also held placards written, “Gutu East, No Go Area for MDC-T.”Several roads leading to the venue are reported to have been blocked. Property rights 16 Property rights 6 Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity 4 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 4 Discrimination Right to food, aid and livelihood 3 v Police beat up people on 11 July in Highfield during a prayer meeting that was held to advocate for the safe return of Itai Dzamara who was abducted on March 2015.Police dispersed and beat up people moving in groups even ordinary citizens who were not part of the meeting. The meeting was held and it was addressed by MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai, former Zanu PF members Temba Mliswa and Jabulani Sibanda members of Itai Dzamara’s family and some representatives Total Harare Malicious Damage Property Displacement to 18

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