Masvingo Total 23 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 14 Discrimination Malicious Damage Property Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 1 1 to by Zanu PF youths led by Lancelot Karonga for being part of the MDC-T members who met to organise the issuing of membership cards to supporters. The group met at a member’s house where a car with Zanu PF youths suddenly appeared. The youths indicated they were looking for chickens to buy of which the victim did not have. After the meeting the youths approached the victim and quizzed him on what the meeting was about. The victim indicated that it was a church meeting and they threatened him with death if he lied to them. v On 24 July a woman living with disability was dragged by a policeman known as Bepura in Chegutu. She was accused of vending in an undesignated spot. The police dragged her to the police station where she was kept outside and no charges were laid and was later released. v On 31 July there was the official opening of Murombedzi Vocational Training College by the Minister of Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Christopher Mushowe. The teachers and pupils of Murombedzi primary and secondary schools were forced to attend the official opening of the Vocational Training College from 8 in the morning. The event was scheduled to start at 2pm.The delegates included the acting provincial chairperson of Zanu PF Ziyambi Ziyambi and the Minister of State Mashonaland West Faber Chidarikire. On arrival the dignitaries made long speeches and some pupils are reported to have fainted as teachers and students were not given food during the event. v On 10 July at Chongogwe Secondary School, Ward 16 Chivi Central opposition party activists that included MDC-T and MDC-N were 17

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