rural communities continue to take advantage of the vulnerable and manipulate the aid to settle political scores and to garner political support. As a result, some citizens have been denied the so much needed aid on the basis of their political persuasion. Some village heads have used their traditional power to benefit unfairly from the availed aid, thereby disadvantaging some community members. Unfortunately, in some cases, community members have taken the law into their hands by assaulting such perpetrators who are bent on denying them their basic right to food although assurances have been made that no citizen will go hungry. Such cases of assault fit well into the adage “a hungry man is an angry man”; hunger does not know political affiliation and everyone must access aid regardless of their A Headman aligned to Zanu PF identified as Makisi in Mashuma, Ward 17 Hurungwe West under Chief Nyamhunga was assaulted by villagers on 24 January 2020. It is alleged that, during a social welfare maize grain distribution at Mashuma business centre, Headman Makisi was bashed by an angry mob after he had replaced a female villager from the beneficiaries list with his wife’s name. This did not go down well with the woman who then shoved the Headman, when Makisi tried to retaliate other beneficiaries intervened and assaulted him. background and political affiliation. The use of state apparatus such as the police to target opposition party members is a clear indicator for the urgent need for security sector reform. The Zimbabwe Constitution in Section 219 (3) clearly stipulates that the police service must be non- partisan and national in character. The MDC Harare Province Deputy Youth Treasurer and Epworth Councillor Kudakwashe Chatambudza was arrested a day before the State of the Nation Address by the MDC president on allegations of making petrol bombs; only to be released without any charges preferred against him after the intervention of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR). The complicity and partisan nature of the ZRP continues unabated and is fuelled by the conflation of the party and the state. This was evidenced in the police’s lack of procedural action to the destruction of tuck shops and warehouses belonging to MDC supporters. The targeted properties were destroyed by Zanu PF supporters on 22 January at Magaba home industry in Mbare in response to the MDC President’s SONA. In a shocking move the police arrested victims who had approached them to report the attack and property destruction.

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