Appearing before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care on the 29th of March Health ministry secretary Jasper Chimedza stated that Zimbabwe had only one privately-owned working cancer machine. The ended 4 Episode Al Jazeera Gold smuggling documentary highlighted huge amounts of money that have been stolen which could help resuscitate Zimbabwe’s ailing health system. SPECIAL FOCUS In the month of April, the areas of special focus included equality and non-discrimination, political rights, freedom of assembly and association, personal security and property rights. Political Rights ZPP recorded 16 cases in which the political rights of citizens were violated. Masvingo recorded the highest number with 4 cases, and Mashonaland Central, Manicaland and Harare had the lowest with one violation each. The political atmosphere in Bikita East is becoming more tense as the nation draws closer to elections. The Zanu PF party had allegedly hatched a secret plan to get rid of opposition elements by submitting their names to state secret agents. The ruling party allegedly assigned some party supporters to work under an organisation called Forever Affiliates Zimbabwe (FAZ). These people were assigned to identify influential opposition supporters, record what they say against the ruling party and send the recorded audios and names to their 11 superiors who would take unspecified measures ‘when the time came’. The above development has made citizens fearful, and people are now unable to discuss political matters for fear of victimisation. The Ward 21 FAZ leaders who are said to be paid a monthly salary were Epifania Kanyemba of Kutsira village and Stan Kupeta. According to Section 67 of the Constitution, every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to form, to join and to participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice, to participate, individually or collectively, in gatherings or groups or in any other manner, in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the Government or any political or whatever cause. THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT | APRIL 2023

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