FACT SHEET No. 1, 2019 Food Security and the Right to Freedom of Assembly Zimbabwe Peace Project has over the years documented numerous cases of destitute and marginalised citizens of Zimbabwe being unlawfully denied social welfare assistance, solely on the basis of their political party allegiance. The Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) in Section 77 (b) states that every person has the right to sufficient food; with the State having the responsibility of ensuring that reasonable legislative and other measures are taken to achieve the progressive realisation of this right. State efforts to ensure that marginalised, destitute citizens also enjoy this right, particularly during difficult or drought seasons include the Presidential and Vulnerable Input Scheme; and the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy. These measures were put in place for the elderly, persons with disability and child-headed families to receive assistance in the form of either farming inputs, or food aid through the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare. The distribution of this assistance is where the discrimination occurs, as the inputs and food aid are channelled through local, traditional structures. Unfortunately these local structures are usually overseen by persons in the Zimbabwe Africana National Union Patriotic Front (Zanu PF) leadership or partisan traditional leaders, resulting in opposition party supporters or perceived opposition party supporters frequently being discriminated and deprived of their right to food. According to the ZimVAC 2019 report 51.4% of the population are food insecure; meaning that the greater part of the Zimbabwean population lack reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food1. The food insecurity of the majority of the Zimbabwean population is exacerbated by the blatant partisan distribution of food aid to already vulnerable Food & other aid violations 2019 groups. Many of the 24 25 victims documented during this period are 20 14 13 persons with disability 12 15 11 and the elderly, who 10 5 5 are not able to go and 2 5 1 work or produce food 0 for themselves in the current harsh economic environment. During the course of 2019 (January to May) ZPP documented and reported violations of the right to food and other second generation rights such as the right to education, and healthcare. A total of 87 food and other aid related human rights 1 http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/ERP/uni/FIMI.pdf

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