FACT SHEET No. 1, 2019 violations were documented for this period. Mashonaland Central recorded the highest violations with 24 followed by Manicaland (14, Mashonaland East (13), Mashonaland West (12) and Masvingo with 11. The graph above shows the recorded violations according to province. The government has stated that food aid is for all Zimbabweans, not a selected few. Former President Robert Mugabe declared that no one would starve2, a sentiment the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare seemed to echo through Deputy Minister Lovemore Matuke3. However, even during the catastrophic Cyclone Idai crisis, citizens were discriminated against receiving food and other aid from wellwishers and stakeholders, for supporting an opposition 4 political party . The food aid violations map shows the districts with recorded food aid distribution cases. Mount Darwin has the highest number of cases, Figure 1 Food aid violations map followed by Buhera and Chimanimani, then Zaka. The cases in Mount Darwin involved three Zanu PF councillors (Ward 6 councillor Luckson Shava, Ward 14 councillor Emmanuel Chigango, and Ward 6 councillor Coaster Francesco), two village heads (Tavengwa Chaparira, Peter Nyakudya and Vine Chimudzeka), a village secretary (Maxwell Kativhu and Zanu PF District Chairperson Joseph Kashere as the perpetrators who denied opposition supporters food aid. The cases recorded in Chimanimani were of Cyclone Idai survivors who were not given food, clothing and utensils directed to 2 https://www.herald.co.zw/no-one-will-starve-president-mugabe/ https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/africa/2019-05-21-hunger-hits-zimbabwean-cities-as-droughtdrives-food-shortages/ 3 4 https://www.thezimbabwemail.com/zimbabwe/govt-bans-political-involvement-in-aiddistribution-to-cyclone-victims/

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