JUNE 2017 The fact that Zanu PF is looking forward to seven more melee unconfirmed reports alleged a police officer was rallies and the country is anticipating the 2018 plebiscite killed. places opposition party supporters and citizens at large at high risk. There are cases in Vungu, Chiwundura and Food and other aid distributions as one source increasing Sanyati where MDC-T supporters have been victimised for human rights violations have been within ZPP’s radar since wearing party regalia. There have even been cases where 2006 and continue to be. In this particular report there are people are violated for wearing T-shirt distributed by non- 18 cases reported from 5 provinces where the right to food governmental organisations. A case in point is that of is breached as compared to 35 in May and nine in April Matabeleland South where villagers from Ntembeni in from nine and seven provinces, respectively. The graph of Gwanda North were encouraged to disassociate themselves 2016 food violations of the same period is inverted as the from non-governmental organisations to avoid losing out violations dipped to 10 in May, from 18 in April while June on charitable projects like food aid and food for work. recorded a rather high 28 cases of food violations. The numbers are irregular, however, it must be noted that In Bikita South and East there have been cases where despite the fact that most food aid programmes have folded people are violated under the guise of patriotism. Teachers cases of food violations continue to occur. and school heads are forced to contribute money in preparation for Heroes Day commemorations. Those There are cases where community leaders are already requesting the money have no regard for interests and threatening to sideline opposition party supporters in welfare of the people concerned. The commemorations upcoming food aid programmes. The people under threat have been politicised since Zanu PF is in charge of have taken the warnings seriously after observing in the fundraising accuse teachers, who are failing to pay, of just ended food distribution programmes that community belonging to the opposition. leaders do follow through their threats of side lining those that do not support the ruling party. For instance, villagers Harare, despite recording a low threat level, had incidences in Makotamo village of Chimanimani West are already that are evidence of intolerance for divergence. The arrest being told by the village head, Edward Makotamo, that of Pastor Evan Mawarire and a student, Ocean Chihota, at a those not in support of Zanu PF will not get food in the peaceful demonstration at the University of Zimbabwe was forthcoming food aid programme. Violations around food an infringement on people’s right to demonstrate and distribution might have gone down as most citizens still petition. Subsequently a student was abducted and have food in their granaries having harvested from April questioned for his involvement in the demonstration. Such onwards. occurrences reflect how the state thwarts citizens’ freedom of expression and rights according to section 59. Several people sustained injuries when chaos broke out after tear gas was thrown in the city center during rush hour. Anti riot police clashed with vendors and other people because citizens were angered by another spike throwing incident which left school children injured. In this 5

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