In Muzarabani South at St Albert’s growth point, ward 10 it is alleged that on 8 June Zanu PF district security advisor, Ezrome Marange, told *Pedzisai Hove to desist from wearing MDC-T regalia and attending opposition meetings if he does not want to be evicted from his home. Marange made these threats after he saw Hove clad in MDC-T regalia after shopping at St Albert growth point. It is alleged that an NPP activist, *Herbert Chikuni, was harassed by Zanu PF youths in Mazowe Central, Mapfumo village ward 10 on 9 June. Chikuni summoned NPP youths to a meeting in the ward then ruling party youths led by Brian Jonga violently disrupted the meeting. Jonga and the Zanu PF supporters arrived armed with knobkerries and chanting party slogans. NPP youths fled and left Chikuni who was scolded for supporting the opposition, labeled a traitor and detained for a few hours. Threat level: Low Zanu PF youth officers, Innocent Mhuteyebhani and Tichaona Materera, allegedly forced Marondera residents to each pay a dollar towards the Zanu PF youth interface rally. The youth officers called for a meeting at Ward 5 Mahachi shopping centre in Murehwa North a day before the rally (1 June) where they ordered families to pay and also said that those who fail to attend will be killed. For fear of victimisation, residents complied. Zanu PF youth Chairperson for Marondera, *Revai Huni was assaulted by Gift Midzi and Wiseman Mutasa during an after party of the youth interface rally on 2 June and Dombotombo shopping centre. It is alleged that intra-party violence broke out when Huni indicated that he was against President Robert Mugabe’s idea of taking land from inactive and unproductive youth giving it to active and productive ones. Huni’s subordinates felt that their leader was opposing the ideas of the president and needed to be stopped. School head Takwana Ngoche and school development committee member Rhodha Chawawa barred Forrester J Primary School (ward 27 Mazowe North) pupils from attending classes on 20 June. The school authorities turned away students that have not paid school fees in full. At the burial of a Zanu PF activist, Christopher Chigwida, in Mazowe Central ward 10 it is alleged that aspiring MP, Tabeth Malinga addressed Chogwiza villagers and threatened opposition party members. On the day in question, 26 June, Malinga said she will flush all opposition activists in the toilet and added that their days were numbered and they will be dealt with in 2018. Category of incident Assault Theft/looting Discrimination Intimidation/harassment June 2017 1 1 1 14 Charles Ndamba, a Zanu PF supporter and village head, allegedly accused *Jeffrey Mateka of hosting an MDC-T meeting at his home in Mudzi South on 9 June. Ndamba added that he will not tolerate Mateka influencing villagers to support MDC-T. Mateka was told that he should support Zanu PF or face eviction before 2018 elections. May 2017 0 1 4 7 Youths who were promised residential stands in Marondera Central were on 12 June forced by Zakaria Makonese and other Zanu PF supporters to contribute a dollar towards the Mutare rally. Makonese is alleged to have said that youth should contribute so that they can hire a bus to ferry people to Sakubva Stadium. He is said to have told the youths that youths from other provinces attended the Marondera rally therefore the favour has to be returned. 15

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