vending bays of those that will fail to attend the rally will be destroyed and the vendors would be beaten up. He added that in the coming 2018 elections, Mutare Central Member of Parliament (MP) Innocent Gonese and other MDC-T councillors should not get any votes. Zanu PF Manicaland chairperson and Minister of Energy and Power Development, Samuel Udenge, Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Prisca Mupfumira, Manicaland Provincial Affairs Minister, Mandiitawepi Chimene and Provincial Youth Leader, Mubuso Chinguno held a meeting at Mutare Government Complex on 7 June. Minister Mupfumira is alleged to have declared that all vendors must shut down their businesses and attend the rally. She is said to have also ordered that school children attend the rally as well. Furthermore, it was alleged that the Chinguno said youths would be deployed on door-to-door campaigns ensuring that every resident attends the rally. There was chaos after police officers threw tear gas canisters in Harare (Picture by ZPP) Category of incident Assault Theft/looting MDP Intimidation/harassment Kidnapping/abduction Unlawful detention June 2017 9 0 3 5 1 2 May 2017 4 2 1 5 0 0 Obadiah Musindo, founder of Destiny Network International Housing Cooperative, is alleged to have told Chikanga/Dangamvura residents that all those that received stands should attend the presidential youth interface as a way of expressing gratitude towards the president who gave them the stands. He is alleged to have said that those who fail to attend will be evicted. Musindo was addressing over a thousand people at Dangamvura Hall on 8 June. MDC-T ward 10 chairperson of Muwangirwa village (name supplied) in Mutare West was told to surrender her party regalia to Zanu PF councillor, Aaron Ranga, in the ward by some unidentified Zanu PF youths on 12 June. The confiscated regalia was surrendered to councillor Ranga. Threat level: Low In Mutare West, Masvaure village ward 25, it is alleged that on 2 June war veterans and other Zanu PF supporters denied *George Mauya entry into a meeting. The meeting was aimed at discussing irrigation schemes and mainly Zanu PF supporters were informed of the meeting. Mauya is known to be aligned to the National People’s Party. On 13 June, towards the Zanu PF Manicaland Presidential Youth Interface, Minister of Manicaland Provincial Affairs, Chimene, is alleged to have declared that all vehicles that are not roadworthy will be allowed to ferry people to the rally. The minister is reported to have uttered this during the inspection of Sakubva Stadium in Mutare Central. She is said to have gone on to say that police manning roadblocks will be ordered not to stop or interfere with unroadworthy vehicles on the day of the rally. Meanwhile, municipal police and ZRP forcibly removed vendors from their vending bays. In Mutare Central at Sakubva Boyz Club on 6 June, Chikanga/Dangamvura Member of Parliament, Esau Mupfumi chaired a meeting where he urged residents to attend the ‘the youths interface with the president’ rally at Sakubva Stadium. It is alleged that Mupfumi said that 12

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