EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ABOUT ZPP The organisation was founded in 2000 by church-based and human rights organisations. The current members of ZPP are Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ), Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC), Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ), Counselling Services Unit (CSU), Habakkuk Trust, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights), Civic Education Network Trust (CIVNET), Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) and Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ). Dominant human rights violations recorded during June 2017 revolve around preparations for the presidential youth interface rallies, Heroes Day commemorations, the upcoming Chiwundura by-election, continued barring of students from attending classes, harassment of vendors and discrimination during food aid distribution. Zimbabwe Peace Project notes trends where some violations cut across ZPP was established with the objective of monitoring, documenting and building peace and promoting the peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts. The peace project seeks to foster dialogue and political tolerance through non-partisan peace monitoring activities, mainly through monitors who document the violations of rights in the provinces. the entire nation during the course of the year while others are sporadic and isolated. Midlands recorded the highest number of types of human rights violations during the month under review. A total of eight rights (right to education, political rights, freedom of The monitors, who at full complement stand at 420, constitute the core pool of volunteers, supported by three Regional Coordinators. The Regional Coordinators relate with the national office headed by the National Director and programme officers in various units. profession, the right to personal security, freedom of expression, freedom of association, right to food and the right to information) were breached in Midlands in the run up to the Chiwundura by-election. Opposition party contribute money towards the rally, shut down businesses supporters are intimidated; some are forced to remove their or attend the rally against their will. party regalia while others have had their party posters defaced. Threats to opposition party supporters are made Rarely has ZPP recorded a violation of freedom of trade openly and this makes it difficult for parties like National but these seem to be appearing more often as Zanu PF Constitutional Assembly (NCA) to hold door-to-door prepares for its nationwide rallies. Vendors currently make campaigns as with a case reported in Senga where 28 Zanu bulk of the Zimbabwean population due to very high PF youths defaced NCA campaign posters. unemployment. Vendors are caught in between political party big wigs that force them to close down their stalls and A trend of increased human rights violations have been places of trade and attend rallies. Municipal police have noted and recorded where presidential youth interface also wantonly raided vending bays during these times. rallies are held. In May, although the threat level in Mashonaland East was low, there were numerous During the ruling party rallies Zanu PF Manicaland violations that were propelled by preparations for the first provincial youth leader and the party’s youth secretary are Zanu PF youth interface rally that was held on 2 June. on record for saying whites should leave farms so that Zanu Seven rights were violated in Manicaland when Zanu PF PF youths can take over. The use of hate speech at the was readying its supporters for the second presidential rallies has resulted in a sudden sprouting of a new wave of youth interface that was held at Sakubva Stadium in farm invasions, the most recent being at Lesbury Farm. 120 Mutare. Political rights, right to information, freedom of families have been rendered homeless and properties trade, freedom of association, property rights, right to food destroyed in a hostile take over of the farm. and right to education were violated across Mutare and surrounding areas as people were being forced to either 4

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