April 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS contesting against their preferred candidate; Stanley Manyenga. In Chinhoyi on 17 April at Chikonohono ward 6 a fist fight broke out during an MDC Provincial Congress held at the MDC Chinhoyi party offices. MDC Ward Councillor Mercy Mada (48) had a tussle with Chipo Chitiyo as the two are jostling for the Secretary General position in the women’s wing. Slogans were chanted against Mada, whose son Tafadzwa Mada (27) retaliated by attacking her mother’s rival. The matter was reported to the police leading to the arrest of Tafadzwa Mada.  Zanu PF’s Cell restructuring exercise is currently underway throughout the country. The existing cells of the party were conceived during former President Robert Mugabe’s term in office, hence the need to restructure during the incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s term so as to establish new structures. The process has however been characterised by intimidation as party members are conducting a door to door exercise and recording people’s identity numbers as well as addresses. On 28 April at a Zanu PF meeting convened at Kuwadzana West suburbs around Karigamombe paddocks in ward 3, one of the party chairpersons identified as Mr Makusha encouraged other party chairpersons to force residents to join ruling party cell structures. He alleged that the ruling party cells in Kuwadzana did not have adequate numbers hence the need to recruit more people. There is generally a strong fear that this exercise will likely be used in future to distribute food to party supporters while others will be left out, and due to this fear a lot of residents have opted to join the party’s cell structures.  Freedom of expression is still under attack and it is sad to note that the sanctity of the Fourth Estate is not fully appreciated by the state apparatus. This was most evident on 4 April when 263 Chat journalist Lovejoy Jay Mtongwiza was attacked by the anti riot and municipal police officers for taking pictures during police vendor raids in the Central Business District (CBD). The journalist was pursued to their newsroom which was then besieged by the officers. A tear gas canister was then fired directly at him resulting in an injury. The case was reported at Harare Central police station under IR040399. In solidarity, fellow journalists marched in protest to Harare Town House and Central police station to register their displeasure at the unwarranted treatment of their colleagues by the police officers. 5

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