April 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Highlights of the Month  Independence Day Celebrations: Zimbabwe celebrated 39 years of independence and celebrations as per tradition were held throughout the country. Villagers from across the country were compelled to donate amounts ranging from RTGS$2RTGS$5 per household by Zanu PF officials to finance Independence Day celebrations. Teachers were also forced to contribute these amounts and in Guruve North teachers at Chimanikire Primary School, Gwakwe Primary School, Chipangura Primary and Secondary Schools, Nyamuseve Secondary and Primary Schools were forced to contribute financially towards the Independence Day commemorations. On 14 and 15 April Zanu PF activists S. Mazhambe, Mike Kamuzonde (ward 5 Councillor) and village head Nhemachena compelled teachers to contribute RTGS $2.00 per individual and they were threatened with loss of jobs if they failed to do so. In Gokwe Sesame Constituency Ward 12 kraal head Dickson (Pilate Marimbe 57) stated that residents must contribute $5 per household, failure to do so would result in them being denied food aid. Despite people being force marched, in some instances, to attend the celebrations, the turnout was reportedly low in most provinces. For some of those who attended, they were deprived of food and refreshments regardless of making contributions towards the celebrations.  The Economy that is on a downward trajectory is a cause of concern particularly as the Zimbabwean workforce has not received any meaningful salary increments. Prices of basic commodities have risen sharply for instance the price of bread has risen from RTGS $2, 50 to RTGS $3.25, petrol from RTGS 3.31 to 3.42 and diesel from RTGS $3.11 to RTGS$3.25. The continued pegging of prices against the USD is also proving challenging for the ordinary folk; for instance some landlords are pushing their tenants to pay rentals in foreign currency which they do not earn.  Intra-party violence continued to plague the nomination process of Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) elective congress scheduled for 24-26 May 2019. Party members jostling for positions and targeting of aspirants who challenged preferred candidates was the prominent reason for these occurrences. Violence was reported during the MDC Harare youth congress held at Show grounds on 16 April 2019. Dennis Juru a nominee for the national youth chairperson position was assaulted by rival youths opposed to his candidature led by Harare West ward 16 Councillor Denford Ngadziore and Albert Chidakwa. They reportedly attacked Juru for 4

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