maize claiming that it was from their president (President Robert Mugabe). Alice Pundu aged 25 whose father aged 75 suffered a stroke was one of the people who failed to benefit from the aid. The youths were led by Garikai Mandebvu the district chairperson. The incident took place on 2 December 2015.  On 13 December 2015, two separate distribution processes were organised in Hurungwe North to distribute seed and fertiliser from the Social Welfare Department. The first one was for the elderly, widows and orphans and it was reported that the process was conducted in a fair manner. The second one was for the rest of the community and the process was facilitated by the development committee and Arex officials. It is reported that the Zanu-PF district leadership complained for not being involved in the distribution process. It is said that a meeting had to be called with MP Rueben Marumahoko to resolve the issue where, one, Pawari of Arex stated that he had not received instructions from his superiors to consult with the Zanu-PF leadership during the distribution of agricultural inputs.  On 14 December 2015, Musakura Village, Ward 10 village heads were said to have sent names to the district administrator for people who were to benefit from the distribution of agricultural inputs. It is said that Councillor Nixon Mandere of Zanu-PF took the list and started ticking names of Zanu-PF supporters only. At least seven people suspected to be MDC-T supporters were taken off the list.  On 15 December 2015, Zanu-PF councillor Gladys Kanema allegedly denied Alec Sungaro and Brian Zhumu (not real names) fertiliser even though the two had paid the requested US$3 each for transportation of the inputs. The two were accused of supporting MDC-T and the transport money they had contributed was later refunded. The incident happened at Chinhengo Primary School in Ward 18, Chegutu East.  On 16 December 2015, in Hurungwe Central Councillor Badwell Chasara facilitated the distribution of fertiliser and he is said to have allegedly prioritised Zanu-PF supporters. He is said to have told people to pay US$3.50 per bag for transport telling them that the fertiliser was coming from Lion’s Den.  On 17 December 2015, a Zanu-PF councillor Ida Mbiriza in Mhondoro-Ngezi Neuso Ward 2, reportedly denied at least three people access to fertiliser accusing them of belonging to the MDC.  On 21 December 2015, in ward 9 at Kawondera Police Station, Councillor John Chinake who was distributing fertiliser ordered people to chant Zanu-PF 26

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