Department of Social Welfare and was meant for the elderly. People were ordered to chant the Zanu-PF slogan first before receiving the food. An elderly woman refused to chant the Zanu-PF slogan and was denied aid. She was labelled an MDC-T supporter. Her allocation was given to someone else.  On 16 December 2015, it was reported that in Ward 10 in Marondera West villagers were told to contribute US$1.50 per person for transport that was going to deliver maize seed and fertiliser. It is alleged that the local Zanu-PF leaders shared the money among themselves after the distribution.  On 18 December 2015, at Donzwe shop in Ward 12 Mudzi South, a delivery of fertiliser was made. The fertiliser was meant for cotton farmers in the ward but it is alleged that the farmers did not get the fertiliser. It is reported that members of the local Zanu-PF leadership shared the fertiliser among themselves claiming that the fertiliser was from the Zanu-PF government.  On 19 December 2015, in Hwedza South, wards 13 and 14 the distribution of fertiliser was carried out by partisan village heads who distributed the fertiliser only to strong Zanu-PF supporters. The Agritex officials who were present at the distribution sites did not manage the distribution process but were only instructed to sign the distribution documents. Mashonaland West  On 1 December 2015 former MP for Hurungwe West, Temba Mliswa was prohibited from distributing maize seed to his supporters at Karereshi in Ward 16 by members of the police from the Law and Order section. He was informed that a charge was going to be levelled against him under POSA if he continued with the distribution. It is alleged that the former MP had been cleared by the police, but they followed him to the scene of the distribution and stopped the process. At Karambazungu he continued with his distribution of 2kg of maize seed without altercations. Over 500 supporters thronged the venue. Mliswa confirmed to ZPP that he indeed was being prohibited from distributing food and inputs in his former constituency. Police details ensure that he does not distribute any aid within the constituency, Mliswa said.  It is reported that Zanu-PF coordinators were said to have told people at Wezheri Business Centre in Ward 11 to pay US$3.50 per bag as transport fares for carrying fertiliser. It is reported that the people complained that they could not afford the required monies.  At Kuwadzana Hall in Ward 23 Zvimba District, bags of 50kg maize were distributed to the elderly, orphans and widows when Zanu-PF youths took the 25

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