a nine-month old baby who fell as a result of the assault and became unconscious. The victim’s neighbours managed to resuscitate the baby and she was taken to hospital. The case was reported to the police and the perpetrators were arrested and were expected to appear in court on 19 January 2016.  On 19 December 2015, an Agritex extension officer was harassed and intimidated by Isaac Neshamba, who is the local Zanu-PF chairperson. The Agritex officer was harassed for establishing a maize demonstration site at a perceived MDC T supporter’s field. The perpetrator publicly threatened the victim warning that he would “deal with him”. The Agritex worker is fearing for his life, it is reported.  On 20 December 2015, in Mudzi North a Zanu-PF member went to Kotwa Resource Centre for a meeting together with another Zanu-PF activist. The two were chased away by Peter Homwe and David Maguma who told them not to use the Zanu-PF hall as they were suspected to be aligned to the People First party.  On 30 December 2015, Knowledge Zangira a Zanu-PF activist from Mudzi North met an MDC T activist who is a tailor and asked him to sew him clothes. The tailor explained to Knowledge that he could not sew the clothes as he wanted to go to church. Knowledge threatened the tailor with death in 2018 on allegations that he was an MDC-T supporter. Mashonaland West Two cases of intra party violence were recorded within the MDC-T in Norton and Chegutu East. Within Zanu-PF, conflict escalated with some members facing accusations of belonging to the People First. This report carries various cases of violence experienced at Zanu-PF restructuring exercises for instance at Sengwe in Hurungwe. Another trend observed in December was the continued dabbling in partisan politics by traditional leadership. A chief in the province was accused of having appointed only headmen with known Zanu-PF allegiances. Highlights:  On 4 December 2015, a fight nearly erupted at the district restructuring exercise at Sengwe in Hurungwe West. A dispute arose when some senior district members lost their positions as chairpersons and secretaries of Sengwe District to alleged supporters of former MP for the constituency, Temba Mliswa. They accused the newly-elected members of wanting to destroy the party from within. Mliswa confirmed to ZPP that party members associated to 17

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