Sozi had not been evicted yet at the time of going to print, he is living in fear, scared that anything could happen to him.  On 14 December 2015, Sonny Mbudziya (not real name) of the MDC-T was at One One bar in Mt Darwin South when Simbarashe Bondo and other five Zanu-PF supporters arrived from Victoria Falls where they had gone to attend the Zanu-PF annual congress. Bondo is alleged to have started poking Mbudziya, accusing him of being a sell-out who must be dealt with. It is reported that Mbudziya managed to leave the bar when they were about to attack him.  On the 21 of December 2015, Simbarashe Kadyamatevere, a Zanu-PF district party chairperson, addressed a meeting at Mafundirwa Village. He emphasised that all MDC members who were not attending Zanu-PF meetings should surrender their party belongings to the district party offices in Mt Darwin. He also advised those without national identity cards to submit their names to the party, so that the party would help them obtain the national identity cards.  On 31 December 2015 at 2300 hours, at Musarara Village in Chiweshe, Mwale Chakanetsa and Richard Chimombe of Zanu-PF allegedly harassed MDC-T supporter, Robert Zondo (not real name). Zondo was accused of singing songs that insulted Zanu-PF by claiming that the party had failed to rule the country. The two Zanu-PF youths reported the victim to Nomore Marange, district chairperson of Zanu-PF in Chiweshe, who threatened to evict Mark from the village. Mashonaland East Mashonaland East has, of late, been a hotbed of political violence and factionalism within Zanu-PF. During the month of December inter-party political violence was also noted in the province with the worst case being of a woman who was assaulted together with her baby. She was assaulted because of her allegiance to the opposition MDC-T. The factionalism within Zanu-PF has also intensified with growing cases of intimidation of suspected People First members being reported. A worrying observation from Mashonaland East involves threats of violence against opposition members in 2018. Highlights:  On 16 December 2015, two Zanu-PF activists identified as Knight Gareta aged 50 and Cecilia Phiri aged 40 allegedly assaulted a 29- year old MDC-T activist accusing her of being an election agent in 2013. The two perpetrators said that they wanted to fix her for belonging to the opposition. The victim was carrying 16

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