a result villagers are forced to access water from unprotected water sources. 4 August Freedom of It is alleged that teachers at Tamuka Secondary and Tabudirira High in ward 3 Bikita East were forced by Kujonjoma Association (Zanu PF) to pay $1 each towards the local Heroes Day celebrations. The teachers argued that no one should be coerced to pay. Kujonjoma is then alleged to have threatened the teachers who refused to follow the order with unknown action come 2018. 10 August Freedom of At a Sugarcane Plantations Milling Workers Union of Zimbabwe (SPMWUZ) meeting that was held in Chiredzi town, Expression Adonia Mutero and more than 3000 employees under the SPMWUZ body reportedly vowed to protest against Provincial Affairs Minister Shuvai Mahofa. The workers are disgruntled over her alleged intention to evict Hippo Valley and Triangle Sugar Estates and hand over the plots to new farmers thereby rendering over 3000 employees jobless. Mahofa has allegedly been advocating for the takeover of the two estates and the fear is that this could plunge the country in serious sugar shortages. 19 August Frredom of An MDC T Provincial Youth Chairperson’s hut was reported to have been gutted down by fire in Mutema village. It is Association alleged that suspected Zanu PF members approached the homestead at night and set a hut ablaze all in an effort to fix the victim a known opposition activist. 21 August Freedom of It is alleged that at Chivi Growth Point, Gunda Marambwa (MDC-T) threatened *Lighton Musimwa (Zanu PF) because Association he defected to Zanu PF. Musimwa is said to have been an MDC-T member for years. 25 August Freedom of Heavy police presence in Mucheke, Rujeko and Runyararo suburbs of Masvingo city made it difficult for people to go Movement about their daily business. The deployment could be in response to fears of the nation wide demonstrations. Matabeleland North The situation and political environment was relatively calm in comparison to the month of July that was full of protests and political uncertainty. Most political parties went about campaigning and recruiting members especially in Tsholotsho. The most visible political parties were Zanu PF, MDC T, PDP and Zimbabwe People First. Hwange Colliery workers have now gone for almost three years without pay and some of them have received eviction notices 21

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