Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 4 August Property Rights It is alleged that *Timothy Katema, the MDC-T candidate for ward 8 in Kadoma Central who lost the elections in 2013, was evicted from a nightclub he was operating on grounds of his political affiliation. 20 August Freedom of Association Following an MDC-T demonstration that was held in Chegutu, *Essie Mukozho was reportedly threatened by Zanu PF members. Mukozho alleges that after the demonstrations Simba Gwashero, a Zanu PF youth went to her and showed her pictures of herself that were taken at the demonstration. He told her that she and her family were blacklisted and that serious action against her was going to be taken 23 August Freedom of Association It is alleged that in Rimuka at Kadoma Central *Trevor Chiso of MDC-T was humiliated, assaulted and chased away from his relative’s funeral Zanu PF chairperson for ward 2, Silvanos Moyo. Chiso sustained minor injuries. 25 August Freedom of Association In Sanyati Zanu PF supporters in the area moved around threatening residents with physical assault. It is reported that ZimPF had organised a soccer tournament for Sanyati residents and that infuriated Zanu PF supporters who then threatened to beat people if they associate with ZimPF. Masvingo Masvingo provincial human rights outlook for the month of August is characterised by denial of socio economic rights as well as the disenfranchisement of civil and political rights. Violations HR Violated 3 August Right Health Provincial highlights to After the boreholes that were sunk by Red Cross some twenty years ago broke down there has been limited access to clean, safe and potable water. The government has not made any effort to repair the boreholes. The Village Pump Minders who were supposed to repair the boreholes charged $180, which was beyond what the villagers can afford. As Right to water 20

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