4.0 The Johane Marange sect story Preachers use derogatory words for things that they believe are not in conformity with their practices. For example, when one fails to attend sect, it is defined as “kun’ora” (dirty and sinful) and nonmembers are called “vanhu vekunyika vakan’ora” (sinful outsiders). ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT AUGUST 2021 The Johane Marange sect’s strategic importance to ZanuPF means that the sect leaders will get away with leading a cult-like sect that is known for abusing the rights of women and children. OUR RECOMMENDATIONS ZPP strongly calls on government to do the right thing, and that is to call out the sect’s abusive doctrines, and to publicly engage the sect leaders to make sweeping changes to the practices. Police should be empowered and capacitated to deal with any cases of abuse of women and children. Police can play a leading role in educating the sect members on the rights of children and women and they should be able to apprehend any of those found on the wrong side of the law. The sect leaders should open up their sect sessions to the police so that they impart education to members on the rights of women and children. The case of Anna Machaya is neither the first nor will it be the last unless girls are protected and allowed to be the children that they are, and not brides.

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