ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT AUGUST 2021 4.0 The Johane Marange sect story Because of its strict rules and doctrines, the sect has a loyal following, and the sect’s high priest and leader, Noah Taguta, is referred to as a “god” who is sometimes likened to Jesus, and messages from him, including those that seek to suppress the role of women in sect, are said to be directly from God. So, whatever Taguta says goes, and for political leaders, this has worked well in their favour as the sect members interviewed by ZPP confirmed that the sect has used some Bible verses to compel its members to support Zanu PF. One of the Bible verses that has been used is Romans 13:1, which says, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” There is also a fear of the power associated with the sect prophets’ ability to get messages from God and to foresee things, a situation that leaves ordinary members with one choice, and that is to follow what they are told. This level of indoctrination can never be underestimated. Among the rules all members of the sect — including women — must keep bald heads and that the women are expected to submit to men always, whether at home or within the sect. The father is the sole authority in the house. Women do not contribute anything either by way of preaching or being part of decision-making in the running of the sect. Women cannot stand and preach to a congregation, it is a sign of disrespect and education for girls in the sect is not a priority. They are, instead, groomed to be housewives and are not supposed to get access to any culture or platforms that may be seen to be contrary to the sect doctrines and parents are not encouraged to send their children to visit relatives who are not members of the sect. The sect is also one of the few remaining that gets girls tested for virginity and those certified to be virgins are made to sit on the front row, facing sect elders who use that opportunity to pick out potential wives. To add to the woes of the girls and women, the sect has powerful internal disciplinary platforms that are closely presided over by the sect leaders. With much of the rules and regulations of the sect being enforced far from the eyes of the state law enforcers, abuse of girls and women often goes unreported, and is dealt with, if at all, within the sect’s internal courts, which are often biased against girls and women. Apart from the observed high number of cases where girls below 18 are married off — often to older and polygamous sect members — there are also many incidents of birth-related deaths as the sect forbids its members from using the formal health institutions and prefers its own midwives and spiritual healers. The sect also bars its members from taking medication, and women are not allowed to take contraceptives. Defying the rules can lead to automatic expulsion from the sect and members of the sect normally live in large communities together, so being expelled from the sect is like being banished from the whole community. The sect also uses —whether by design or coincidence — psychological indoctrination to make young girls believe the only way is to get married.

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