14 01 Human Dignity and Freedom from Torture or Cruel, Inhumane, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment On 22 August at Nhakiwa Business Centre Ward 14 in Uzumba. It is alleged that Zanu PF Ward Councilor, Fagio Zondayi Marowa brutally assaulted elderly villagers and PWDs who had attended a meeting convened by CCC President Advocate Nelson Chamisa. The vulnerable villagers were accused of being CCC members after attending a meeting that Advocate Nelson Chamisa addressed. On 14 August at Pentagon in Epworth ward 2. Citizen Coalition for Change activist Edwin Machokoto was brutally assaulted by a group of Zanu PF youths. They used an iron bar to attack Machokoto whom they accused of wearing opposition CCC party regalia. He sustained a broken leg following the attack and the victim did not make a police report for fear of reprisals. A case of murder was reported in St Marys Chitungwiza on 17 August 2022. It is alleged that 3 ZRP officers beat Alick Macheso’s bodyguard, Tawanda Zvinowanda to death. Reports indicate that at first they accused him of robbery, but later changed the charges alleging that he was armed with a machete. The officers stormed Zvinowanda’s home and assaulted him in front of his family before taking him to Unit L cemetery where they further tortured him. They later took him to Makoni police station where he died the following morning. It is alleged that members of the Military Presidential Guard Unit were responsible for the murder of a 35 year old man at the Zimbabwe State House. Levy Musendo of Mukafose who was on mental therapy died under unclear circumstances at or near State House in Harare. On 20 August, Levy’s father, Job Musendo, received a phone call from an unidentified police officer at Harare Central Police Station, informing him that his son had been arrested and detained. He was advised that his son had been taken to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals for medical attention as he had some severe injuries and was bleeding profusely from the nose and mouth. On 24 August at around 4 pm, they were led into the office of Chief Superintendent Moyo, who broke the news of their son’s death. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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