10 06 PWDs During the month of August, ZPP alarmingly recorded a case of assault of persons with disabilities on 22 August, at Nhakiwa Ward 14 in Uzumba. A Zanu PF Ward Councilor assaulted elderly villagers and persons with disabilities who had attended a meeting conducted by the CCC president. The vulnerable villagers were accused of being CCC members after attending the meeting. The death of a man with a mental disability while in police custody in Harare is gravely concerning. ZPP is concerned with the violation of PWDs’ civil and political rights. ZPP recommends government to adopt the following interventions to ensure the reduction in cases of violation of PWDs’ civil and political rights: i)Ensure that reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities is carried out for community and political meetings. ii)Chapter 12 Commissions such as the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission together with government and political players should invest in the sensitization of traditional leaders on how to ensure that the rights of PWDs are respected. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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