Partisan food distribution
During the month of August, ZPP recorded several cases of partisan distribution of
food and agricultural inputs. While food security and nutrition are supposed to be
guaranteed for all citizens regardless of affiliation the discrimination and denial for
those viewed as politically incorrect go against values that guide such distributions
nationally as well as humanitarian standards that guide the same. The Sphere
humanitarian standards related to food security and nutrition are guided by the
following principles; humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. ZPP
recommends government to adopt the following interventions to ensure the
reduction in cases of partisan distribution of food and agricultural inputs:
i)Food and agricultural inputs distribution should be guided by the Sphere
humanitarian standards of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence.
ii)Food distribution not to be undertaken by political players such as chairpersons of
political parties, but by government departments and representatives in a nonpartisan manner.
iii)The establishment of clear and effective reporting and feedback mechanisms for
victims so that their plights are addressed.
The Zimbabwe Peace Project
Monthly Monitoring Report