Food and Other Aid Violations 0/Zero 0/Zero 4/Four 0/Zero 3/Three 4/Four 1/One 0/Zero 2/Two 3/Three believed to be a Zanu PF supporter with information on villagers thus it is easy for him to deny opposition supporters inputs. In Murehwa North ward 7, Wadzanai Mazarura was denied her share of the Presidential 2017-2018 farming inputs on grounds that she was an opposition supporter. Presidential farming inputs were distributed at Chitova Business Centre on 20 October targeting all active households in the area. It is alleged that Zanu PF Ward councillor Tawanda Bhunu denied In Gwanda North constituency ward 4 of Lumeni village, Mazarura because of her political affiliation. Beneficiaries three Zanu PF members, identified as Coriseni Dube, were entitled to a 10 kg pack of maize seed but Mazarura did Khumbulani Dube and Mloyi Moyo denied non-members of not benefit during the distribution while active villagers Zanu PF 50kg of maize for Drought Relief Scheme. It is said aligned to Zanu PF benefited. that during the food distribution, the trio made it clear that only well-known individuals aligned to Zanu PF were In Mudzi North ward 2 Joyce Nyambo and Martha Chakada permitted to receive their monthly food handouts. Among were denied maize seed and compound D fertilizer by Cain those who were denied is Nozita Bhebhe- an 80year old Mafuta the village secretary. It is alleged that on 27 October at widow. Nyamuyaruka Business Centre Chakada and Nyambo were denied Presidential inputs. The duo was denied inputs on allegations that they were opposition supporters. Mafuta is 32

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