individuals who had successfully registered. It is said that the It was reported that in Redcliff, ward 24 at Mpinda Primary, trio made it clear that they were sent by the Zanu PF residents were called to a meeting meant to register for the Commissariat to demand such information from the villagers. maize seeds distribution program on 4 October. It is alleged Some villagers gave the information up yet others refused to that at that meeting the Zanu PF district chairperson Eliot comply. Ndebele harassed and intimidated villagers who were in attendance. Ndebele started by telling the villagers that the On 22 October 2017 at Sikuta Business Centre of Insiza North maize seeds were not going to be given to any known or constituency an aspiring Zanu PF aspiring councillor (ward perceived opposition supporter as it will be from President 19), Edson Moyo instructed local village heads to take down Mugabe. Ndebele is alleged to have gone on to encourage the names of individuals who would have failed to register to vote branch secretaries responsible for listing down beneficiaries to under BVR. It was unclear how he was to deal with write the names of those known to be Zanu PF members first. individuals who would have failed to register. The remarks Some of the victims of this political discrimination who had left villagers in fear. their names rejected are Shadrack Mabena*, Misheck Dube*, Sibert Kapito* and Melusi Mpofu. Ndebele is alleged to have told the gathering that those in opposition parties should get Category of incident Oct 2017 their seeds from their respective parties. Sept 2017 Assault 0 0 Theft/looting 0 0 Discrimination 3 1 fingerprints in a cotton inputs distribution exercise. Some Displacement 0 0 farmers were being forced to provide their fingerprints in Intimidation/harassment 9 3 On 7 October in Gokwe Nembudziya, ward 11 Chinyenyetu Business Centre, cotton farmers were forced to provide their order to be given seeds and fertilizer ahead of the next farming season. A Zanu PF member Moses Chikuni is alleged to have spearheaded the exercise. Many farmers expressed a lot of disappointment and fear on the practise since they are said to be suspecting that the exercise has a connection to the 2018 polls. This exercise was said to have been done in the village under headman Makore. In Gweru Mkoba, at Mkoba 6 Shopping centre, on 7 October, it was reported that a lady identified as Primrose was allegedly assaulted by Zanu PF youths Noel Chiriga and Isaac Moyo. It was reported that the victim Rosemary* was accused of participating in the National People’s Party recruitment programme. The assailants Chiriga and Moyo later fled the 29

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