Zanu PF held a meeting at Nyangambiri in Murehwa on 12 October. A Zanu PF team threatened and intimidated people Civil servants and local people in Mashonaland East are being and among them was Zanu PF Ward chairperson Charles forced to contribute money towards the Zanu PF 2017 Chitsote, Elias Svowa (secretary), Gift Chinake and Anna Extraordinary Meda. Villagers were told that Zanu PF will detect who one contributions in Maramba Pfungwe started on 12 October with would have voted for in the coming 2018 elections. People every village forced to pay $10.00 while each civil servant is were further intimidated by Meda who said, “The new BVR to contribute $1. The contributions will be used to fund the system introduced capture of fingerprints and images of Zanu PF conference to be held in Harare scheduled for prospective voters thus it would be easy for Zanu PF to track December 2017. The newly appointed Uzumba Maramba down opposition supporters after the elections.” Pfungwe District Administrator Francis Hungwe with the Conference. It is alleged that forced assistance of local traditional leadership Chief Chinyerere and Four MDC-T activists from Caledonia Ward 25 Goromonzi Chief Chinga are behind the contributions. Threats and South were harassed and unlawfully detained on 7 October. intimidation methods are being used to make sure that people Langton Ncube; Brighton Shava; Dumisani Chisangowerota comply with their demands. and Aleck Muziwawo were harassed for conducting door to door voter registration mobilisation. It is alleged that two Zanu Primary and secondary school heads in Mudzi South were PF members Chikanga and Stephen Madhongi pounced on the called for a new curriculum work meeting held at Mudzi four and harassed them before ordering them to leave the area. Resource Centre on 19 October. It is alleged that the District The activists were told that Caledonia was a no go area for School Inspector Cree Chofamba was the presiding officer MDC-T but they defied the order and continued with the during the meeting giving directives. Chofamba stated that exercise. Madhongi and Chikanga reported the issue at teachers across Mudzi are to contribute money towards the Caledonia police station leading to the arrest and detention of December 2017 Zanu PF Extraordinary Congress. School the MDC-T activists were for several hours. heads were told to pay $2 while teachers were to pay $1 which would be channelled towards the event. He gave an ultimatum On 12 October opposition supporters namely MDC-T, that by 30 October all teachers should have contributed and no National People’s Party and ZimPF were told that they would one would be exempted. not receive Presidential inputs for the 2017-2018 farming season. Village head Farai Mapanga from Ngundu village in Murehwa West did not take down names of perceived opposition supporters from his villages. Opposition supporters were told that they are not entitled to benefit from government programs hence their names were not put on the beneficiary register. Among those who were told that they could not benefit was Sipho Mafemba, Mairosi Chikuni* and Sebastain Mukonwshuro* from Ngundu village. 23

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