Provincial Highlights It is alleged that before the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission rolled out the (BVR) Biometric Voter Registration blitz, nine Zanu PF youths led by Tivanashe Mangwa went around On 17 October at Egodini Bus terminus Bulawayo Central Mbare ward 12 compiling a ruling party database claiming constituency, two policemen who were in plainclothes they wanted to ascertain the actual number of people residing forcefully got into a commuter omnibus which belongs to Mr in Mbare ward 12 before registration commenced. On 1 S. Mafu while the latter was dropping off school children at a October Mangwa and his colleagues conducted a door to door designated site. It is said that the two jumped into his car and campaign recording names, ID numbers and addresses of began harassing Mafu to stop and surrender the car. Mafu was those they approached. They remarked that as the BVR manhandled and forcefully removed from the car. As he was process was beginning, they wanted to identify how many being harassed, it is reported bus rank touts joined and began people would register per ward. They also said that Zanu PF fighting back to rescue Mafu, while the latter had been locked ward meetings were ongoing from 9 October hence everyone in the commuter omnibus. Mafu now faces charges of must attend without fail. They said they will be recording assaulting two policemen and is set to appear in court. Category of incident attendance registers to identify those who will not attend. Oct 2017 Sept 2017 Assault 2 0 Discrimination 0 1 MDP 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 2 1 Disrupted Pol Mtg. 0 0 Some of the victims who had their names recorded are Maud Chisoro*, Tatenda Shamu* and Peacemaker Chimuti*. In Mbare ward 4, Zanu PF youths allegedly disrupted a funeral procession at block 2D16 Chawasha Flats, following the death of Standrick Chibanda. On 7 October about 15 Zanu PF youths sent by Joseph Changara attacked the mourners with stones forcing them to flee. Some did not return fearing that the ruling party youths would strike again. An eye witness who asked to have his identity protected reported that the reason for the violent behaviour was political since the 12

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