The vendors were supposed to be given due notice and have The credibility of the 2018 elections is in doubt as Zanu PF options in terms of where they could move in a dignified meetings and rallies continue to go ahead while meetings manner that would not evoke anger and resentment as organized by opposition parties are disrupted by police. people desperately need money for their livelihoods in this Aspiring failing economy. constituency Fadzai Mahere was arrested after organizing a independent candidate for Mt Pleasant soccer tournament in the constituency. The ZPP was dismayed by chiefs openly declaring their allegiance to Zanu PF at a ceremony addressed by President The Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Robert Mugabe in Bulawayo. The public pronouncements Constantine Chiwenga made racist remarks saying whites by the chiefs are not in tandem with the Constitution which and sellouts would never rule Zimbabwe. These utterances states in Section 281 that traditional leaders must not be undermine the rights of other citizens to participate in members of any political party or in any way participate in politics and have the potential to escalate violence that is partisan politics, act in a partisan manner or further the being perpetrated by security forces on citizens and interests of any political party . A cabinet minister Professor opposition political parties. Sell-outs is a term that has been Jonathan Moyo appeared to endorse this disregard of the previously used to refer to opposition figures and civil constitution when he tweeted that it was impossible for society practitioners as well as members of the media. traditional chiefs to be impartial. Despite ZEC acknowledging that some traditional leaders were engaging in corrupt activities and using BVR to settle personal scores; no action has been taken against the said traditional leaders. ZPP has also written to ZEC demanding a pronouncement against misinformation which is instilling fear in would be voters. ZEC’s response to this has been lukewarm stating that they have engaged the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission and the police to investigate the alleged cases. DATA GATHERING Information contained herein is based on reports from ZPP long-term community based human rights monitors, who observe and record cases of human rights violations in the constituencies they reside. ZPP deploys a total of 420 community-based primary peace monitors (two per each of the 210 electoral constituencies of Zimbabwe). The monitors compile reports that are handed over to ZPP 6

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