OUR RECOMENDATIONS In light of the developing situation ZPP makes the following observations and recommendations. There is need for the strengthening of the Electoral Act to foster Multi Party Liason Committees to become a culture that promotes engagement among political stakeholders and not just spring into action at election time. The political temperatures are, with no doubt, not going to recede considering that Zimbabwe is due to hold elections next year. In that regard, ZPP makes strong recommendations for the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), through its Multi-Party Liaison Committee, to strengthen its ability to hold political parties to account without fear or favour. This is because ZPP has observed that violence often happens for a period before elections and by the time candidates get nominated, communities will be living in fear already. Currently, the committees spring into operation after the close of nomination of candidates, where ZEC appoints a national multiparty liaison committee for presidential and general elections, a multiparty liaison committee for each constituency where elections are contested and a multiparty liaison committee for each local authority (Electoral Act Chapter 2:13, 160B(1)). The functions of the committees are, among other things, to manage conflicts relating to the problems relating to the electoral process and non-compliance with the code of conduct (check Appendix 1) and to refer to the ZEC any problems relating to the electoral process. There are no mechanisms provided for to enforce these decisions, nor are there any penalties attached to violations of the code of conduct other than those established in ordinary law and this acts as a point of weakness as parties can violate the code of conduct with no consequence In relation to the clampdown on rights activists in communities and the continued pronouncements by top Zanu PF officials, it appears the Zanu PF government is determined to pass the PVO Amendment Bill and may fast track it so that it becomes a useful tool for repression ahead of the 2023 elections. In light of that, ZPP continues to urge for engagement to ensure that those pushing for the Bill to be passed into law understand the important and Constitutional role civil society organisations play towards development. The politicization of aid is likely to continue and ZPP urges Zanu PF in particular to respect the role of the Department of Social Work in discharging its mandate to identify beneficiaries, and lead the distribution of government aid. 5

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