Ø Mash West Ø Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault Malicious Damage to Property Displacement Torture Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to liberty and security of person Property rights 16 6 5 5 Property rights Property rights 2 1 17 Ø reported that records show that neither of the two rivals own the land, it is legally owned by ZB bank and Landela safaris. On 5 June 2015 an MDC-T supporter was assaulted and publicly humiliated for suggesting an alternative day for the maintenance of the borehole in Ward 14, Maramba Pfungwe. She was accused of always opposing the ruling party. The victim was assaulted by Zanu PF youths identified as Michael Nyahuta and Tichaona Gahu who slapped her at Masunzwa Primary school, Karamba ward 14 in Maramba Pfungwe. She sustained bruises on the face and the public also mocked her and indicated that she deserved it as she was always on the opposite side. The case was reported to neighborhood police who said they will take the case up but never did so. On 27 June 2015 two MDC- T supporters were severely assaulted by Zanu PF youths accompanying the Goromonzi South Legislator Kagonye at Goromonzi turnoff in ward 25. The incident took place during a ceremony to donate equipment to various schools by the MP. The two attended the ceremony and were attacked because they were MDC-T members. They were forced to remove their shirts as it was alleged they had party tee shirts under their shirts. Although they did not have party t/shirts they were made to lie on the ground and were severely beaten, only to be saved by a motorist along the Harare-Mutare road who took them away. Two Ruwa police officers, (names supplied)who were at the ceremony did not take action. The assailants were led by Francis Ngondo who is Kagonye’s aide who incited other youths to assault the victims. The victims sustained injuries. A business man at Mariga store Murota township Ward 17, Hurungwe West was confronted at his shop by Zanu PF youths led by one identified as Nigel who ordered him to stand against Mliswa's poster which was on a pillarinfront of his shop and captured him with their mobile phones, accusing him of backing Mliswa because he permitted Mliswa's posters at his shop. The business man is now living in fear of his life and business after it was promised he shall be dealt with after the elections. He is also worried of how his photos will be used by these people who were driving a silver pickup truck with no

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