under the leadership of former Chairperson Ray Kaukonde were openly told they were not going to be voted in the current structures because they were said to be anti Mugabe. This provoked Samuel Kwindima who then attacked the gathering with bricks in retaliation of what had happened to him. Three people were injured during the attack. Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Theft/looting Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 9 5 4 2 19 Ø Ø Mash East Ø 16 In a case highlighting the extent of voter intimidation two ladies are being isolated in their village in Ward 6 in Uzumba, the two were chased away during a Zanu PF district meeting by a war veteran named Tendai Zihwa because they were once MDC-T members who joined the Zanu PF party in 2013. He accused them of not following orders to vote as assisted voters during the 31 July 2013 elections. The two women voted without assistance and were denounced as opposition members who should be isolated in the village. They professed to have voted for Zanu PF and begged the community to accept them to no avail. Zanu PF youths are reported to have moved around households in Tsuro village in Mudzi East with sample ballot papers and forced people to vote on them.They said it is to prepare and teach people to vote during the by elections set for the 25th of July 2015. The youths said people should vote for a Zanu PF candidate to replace the late MP Aquilina Katsande. People were forced to comply as they were told that those who refused to vote would be assumed to be opposition supporters. The group was led by Wishes Manyove the youth Vice chair. It is not known whether the ballot papers were destroyed. Violence was reported at Solomio farm estate in Ruwa ward 7 Goromonzi South between members of rival housing cooperatives. The two, Shingiriro cooperative said to be led by MP Petronella Kagonye and Solomon Mujuru Housing cooperative owned by Oswell Gwanzura. The two rival cooperatives are said to be claiming land at Solomio estates. On 18 June 2015members of the two groups took various weapons to the estate and started fighting. A man was injured on the eye and was taken to Ruwa Rehabilitation hospital. Ruwa police intervened and arrested 4 people from all the two groups. It has been

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