Harare and Manicaland particularly Chimanimani where Manicaland former Chairperson Samuel Undenge hails from. There was a sharp decrease in violations perpetrated by Zanu PF activists. Recommendations  The President and his government are encouraged to continue to speak about peace  The month of December saw the curtain come down on Operation Restore Legacy which had started on 15 November. Members of the army who had become a common site on the country’s roads were withdrawn. This came as human rights abuses perpetrated by soldiers against civilians increased and they are still to be investigated. Zanu PF to impress on its supporters to stop fomenting factional tensions in communities especially as the elections draw near  ZEC to take stern measures to stop the practice of demanding serial numbers if it is illegal the law should take its course Ray of hope  The cases in which the military took part should be There have been messages of peace and reconciliation from investigated and the necessary sanctions taken key political figures raising hopes that this may help towards against perpetrators fighting polarization and also promote tolerance. President Mnangagwa has called for peace and forgiveness while War Veterans Secretary General Victor Matemadanda has asked Methodology for tolerance describing the political arena as a market place of ideas where people win or lose through their ideas. These Information contained herein is based on reports from ZPP pronouncements are encouraging as the nation gears for the long-term community based human rights monitors, who 2018 elections. observe and record cases of human rights violations in the constituencies they reside. ZPP deploys a total of 420 However there have been arrests of activists on charges of community-based primary peace monitors (two per each of undermining the authority of the President. Some of these the 210 electoral constituencies of Zimbabwe). The activists have been allegedly assaulted by ruling Zanu PF monitors compile reports that are handed over to ZPP activists who claim to be defending President Mnangagwa. Coordinators who man the different ZPP regional offices in A worrying trend of Zanu PF taking matters in its own the ten administrative provinces of Zimbabwe. Upon receipt hands threatens peace especially as the 2018 elections and verification of the reports from the monitors, the approach. Coordinators compile provincial monthly monitoring reports, which are then consolidated at the national office into the ZPP Monthly Monitoring Report. This report contains some of the violations recorded by ZPP, the organisation has a data base with the rest of the injustices and gladly shares it with interested stakeholders. 2

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