The sad story of a Harare girl child
labourers, captured on camera
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While government continued to relax
Covid-19 regulations and the law
enforcement agents exhibited less energy in
enforcing the rules, the Zimbabwe Republic
Police still contributed 19.87 percent of
perpetrators of human rights violations,
while the army, whose presence in the
streets had become much lower, accounted
for 2.75. Machete gangs came into the
picture in October and while they
contributed to only 1.78 percent of
perpetrators, the mere reincarnation of
machete violence symbolized government
and law enforcement’s failure to deal with
the gangs, who have not only unleashed
terror in mining communities, but have at
some point resorted to armed robberies.
Municipal police, mostly in Harare, who use
some of the vilest methods of dealing with
illegal vendors and traffic offenders,
contributed to 9.85 percent of perpetrators.
MDC Alliance affiliated activists had a share
of 3.07 percent of perpetrators of human
rights violations while MDC-T Khupe
contributed 0.16 percent; similar to last
month, this is largely attributed to the
battle for control by Nelson Chamisa (MDC
Alliance) and Thokozani Khupe (MDC-T).
ZPP recorded 84 cases of harassment, a
trend attributed largely to the distribution
of Pfumvudza inputs, challenges in the
access to water and enforcement of Covid19 regulations by the police; among others.
ZPP also recorded seven cases of unlawful
detention, three displacements and two
cases of sexual harassment.
ZPP is disheartened that two months in a
row, there has been cases of killings, four in
October and five in September. The sanctity
of life is clearly outlined in the founding
values of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and
must be respected