THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT On 25 October 2020, at Kandeya Primary School in Mt Darwin South, about 177 kilometres from the main capital, Harare, dozens of villagers gathered to receive agricultural inputs under the government’s Pfumvudza programme meant to boost Zimbabwe’s food security. What started off as a fair distribution with everyone getting their fair sharelater turned out to be a partisan exercise. This was after about 20 villagers known to support opposition political parties were turned away and asked that they return after the distribution. When they turned up later, they did not get the inputs. Elsewhere, on October 8, only Zanu PF supporters benefited from the Pfumvudza inputs at Waze Business Centre in Chegutu East. The Zanu PF Ward Chairperson Daniel Makamure and another ruling party activist only identified as Musengi forced villagers to a meeting and beneficiaries were forced to surrender their personal details and chant Zanu PF slogans. These two incidences are not isolated as, throughout the month of October, the partisan distribution of Pfumvudza inputs was a major highlight and the Zimbabwe Peace Project recorded 38 cases of discrimination of known and perceived political opposition supporters and/or activists. So widespread was this that ZPP recorded cases in all provinces except Harare and Bulawayo. The ruling party contributed to 20.84 percent of all violations recorded, up from 15.61 percent in September; largely because Zanu PF officials were the ones influential in the distribution of Pfumvudza inputs “ ‘…the ruling party, as a perpetrator of human rights violations, contributed to 20.84 percent of all violations recorded, up from 15.61 percent in September. ”

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