Coordinator for ward 17 under the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenization and Empowerment denied MDC-T youths a chance to attend a potato growing and poultry production workshop in Hurungwe West. He only invited Zanu PF youths. He did not invite other youths for fear they would influence the other youths to turn against Zanu PF. Tapiwa Runi is the brother to Matthew Runi ward 17 councillor. On 7 September an MDC-T activist was denied food aid distributed in Rimuka ward by the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA). Mike Muvula of Zanu PF who works at Kadoma Municipal denied him because he supports MDC-T. The victim is unemployed and has 3 children. Masholand Central In Gumbochuma village Muzarabani North, several MDC-T activists were denied access to subsidized Grain Marketing Board (GMB) maize during September. They were told that they should wait until their party wins elections to access food. It is important to note that Muzarabani is prone to drought every year due to the fact that it is in Region 5, with high temperatures and little rainfall. As a result, the area has largely depended on food assistance from Non-Governmental Organisations like World Vision, Goal, Christian Care and Government. Masvingo Many districts especially Chivi, Mwenezi and Chiredzi still have serious food deficits and food prices are out of the reach of many. Matabeleland North The food situation has remained stable in most parts of the province. The only notable problem is the water problems which are more pronounced in the Tsholotsho districts. Many people across the province are now looking forward to the new farming season hence the need for farming inputs. Matabeleland South There is stability in this area compared to other years where food was difficult to come by due to unfavourable rainfall. So far people seem to have enough grain to keep them going till the next rainy season. 4

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