The intra-party fighting within Zanu PF intensified towards the end of the month after statemedia allegedly exposed 12 MPs for having links with Western governments in violation of the party’s rules. The MPs were subsequently referred to as the “Dirty Dozen”. One of the named MPs and the party’s provincial Chairperson for Mashonaland West Themba Mliswa scoffed at the allegations and moved on to attack other senior government officials during a press conference in Harare on 29 September 2014. The attacks on the officials did not go down well with other provincial leaders as he was later in the day assaulted by fellow provincial executive, Beauty Zhuwao, following a heated verbal exchange at a meeting in Chinhoyi. The meeting was immediately adjourned following the incident as police rushed to cordon off the venue and disperse the gathering. The provincial leaders reportedly belong to different factions. Property rights violations in terms of farm invasions, business grabbing by Zanu PF youths and war veterans continued to take place with high levels of impunity. Where authorities try to intervene, other political leaders condemn such actions by law enforcing agents alleging the grabs were in order citing that the grabbers were in need of jobs and decent livelihoods. War veterans’ leader Jabulani Sibanda moved in to defend youths from Bulawayo who had invaded farms on the outskirts of the city arguing that they were victims of the current poor economic situation. A white farmer David Connolly has continued with his fight to remain on Centenary Farm in Matabeleland South through the courts with the deputy chief secretary in the office of the president and Cabinet Ray Ndhlukula claiming that he was awarded the farm by President Robert Mugabe. Despite the court processes still on, people claiming to be relatives of Ndlukula invaded the farm on 13 September 2014. The Epworth Local Board and the Chitungwiza Municipality moved in to demolish what they termed “illegal structures” leaving scores of residents homeless on Friday 28 September 2014. The demolitions which were carried out during the middle of the night ended up being violent after some of the residents resisted the acts. The police anti-riot squad had to fire warning shots into the air to disperse an angry crowd resisting eviction from their homes. In Chitungwiza, a nearly completed new shopping complex in St Mary’s suburb was demolished to the ground using the same tactics while hundreds of families were rendered homeless after the local municipality ordered the demolition of houses. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS Manicaland Food prices are still out of reach of many and some districts like Musikavanhu, Chipinge and Makoni have food deficits. Mashonaland East People in Seke under Chief Seke were called to a meeting by legislator Mr Chihota who promised every villager to get chickens for poultry projects through their village heads. He told those present including councillors that everyone should participate. However village heads surprised people by saying other people of other parties will not benefit because the donations are from Zanu PF. They were excluded from the committees that were set up and their contributions were rejected. This took place on 23 September 2014. Mashonaland West 5 4 Food and any form of aid from the government is 4 often used to punish members of the opposition 2 3 1 2 party by Zanu PF by denying them access .On 8 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 September an MDC-T supporter was denied 0 agricultural inputs by a Zanu PF youth chairperson at Kabidza township in Hurungwe. Tapiwa Runi who was appointed as the Zanu PF youth 3

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