JULY 2017 At plot number 26 Mutorazeni farm ward 28, ZanuPF Member of Parliament (MP) for Muzarabani South, Christopher Chitindi, allegedly threatened farmers with eviction from their plots if they do not join ZanuPF party structures and attend meetings. On 1 July, Chitindi instructed party chairpersons, councillors and elected village heads on farms to mobilize people to attend a party meeting. Chitindi is alleged to have said that those farmers who inherited farms previously owned by whites and are not supporting ZanuPF must be evicted. He also added that some people were prone to lose their land ahead of harmonized elections. Chitindi also blamed party councillors for allowing NGOs and opposition party activities in the area. Mugabe launches a stands project because her husband *Ephraim Bedzi defected to National People’s Party (NPP). Marikeza was quoted saying this on 5 July during a ZanuPF meeting that was held at Chiwaridzo Primary School ward 12 Bindura North. It is alleged that ZanuPF youths Lovemore Munemo and Rangarirai Kefasi are advocating for the removal of Grafax Holding (Pvt) Ltd Mount Darwin foundation stone that was laid by former Vice President, Joyce Mujuru on 12 July 2007 because she is no longer a ZanuPF member. Munemo and Kafesi have argued that the stone is no longer relevant in Mount Darwin and have issued threats to demolish the headstone if their concerns are not addressed. Munemo and Kafesi reside in Chamagora village ward 15. In Mazowe West at Highwood shopping centre ward 12, ZanuPF councillor Peter Chinyoka allegedly addressed residents and threatened that if they do not attend ruling party meetings they will lose their homes, land and residential stands. This is reported to have happened on 4 July. He is also alleged to have said they are keeping an eye on all the people not attending ruling party meetings ahead of the 2018 elections. A Salvation Army pastor was allegedly threatened with eviction by suspected members of the Central Intelligence Office for allowing a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) to conduct a workshop at Kakora church without notifying the police. On 5 July unidentified state agents went to *Maurice Chuma’s homestead in Mazowe Central, Jekera village in ward 10 at around 10am and questioned him on why he gave one woman’s organisations permission to convene a workshop at Salvation Army Kakora. Chuma was accused of dabbling in politics hence he was warned to desist from politics to evade eviction from the village. It is alleged that on 5 July in Mazowe North at Mvurwi Primary School ward 4, schoolhead Richard Mudavanhu sent away pupils with outstanding tuition fees. Pupils were told not to report to school until the school authorities had received payment. This initiative was reported to be disruptive to pupil’s preparation for midyear examinations. The controversial headstone in Mt Darwin (photo by ZPP) In an incident recorded in Mazowe Central at Kanhukamwe business center ward 9, Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) member *Honest Makonese was intimidated by ZanuPF youths during a meeting with villagers in the area on 8 July. The meeting was hosted to raise human rights awareness and membership recruitment when a gang of ZanuPF youths led by Brian Jonga arrived at the venue, disrupting the proceedings. They accused Makonese of trying to It is alleged that ZanuPF district chairperson Anyway Marikeza told *Clara Bedzi that, she would not get a residential stand in Bindura when President Robert 13

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